PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User -RisingManectric-

Member for: 4 years (since May 31, 2020)
Type: Editor
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
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Editing any answer
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Closing any question
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Viewing the newest users page
Gender: Male
Country: United States of America
Favorite Pokémon: Zangoose, Salamence, Roaring Moon, Tyranitar, Mega Manectric, Great Tusk, Mega Blastoise
Friend Codes: 3Ds Friend Code is: 3110-5399-9226. Mii's name is Zang1.  I have the games Ultra Sun and Pokémon X.
Name in Showdown: Zangoose373
Character's name in Pokemon X: Zangoose2020
Discord name/tag: MadManectric#4974

What is a good LC moveset for POKEMON?

If you have a good competitive moveset for POKEMON, **post an answer below and upvote the best ones.**

Be sure to include **full set details in your post**, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. **[Access the full list of guidelines here.][1]**

**[POKEMON Pokédex and learnset for reference.][2]**

Ultra Sun Masuda Shinies:

Rowlet: hatched 74 eggs, the 74th one being shiny. Nickname is Leafblower.

Pokemon Shield Shinies:

Haunter(6/7/22): Did a Dynamax Adventure and Haunter ended up being shiny.
Spritzee(6/8/22): Found it while EV training a Pokemon, had Shiny Charm.
Own Tempo Rockruff(6/23/22): Masuda method shiny. Took only 55 eggs since I have the Shiny Charm.
Sneasel: Accidentally ran into the grass while hatching Electrike for a Timid nature with Switcheroo and encountered the Shiny Sneasel.
Vulpix: Hatched using masuda method. Named it Firefox.
Duraludon: Hatched using Masuda Method. Took about 210 eggs. Named it Duracell.
Popplio(12/12/22): Hatched using Masuda Method. Took 208 eggs to find it. Named it WHIP.
Liepard(12/12/22): Encountered it while using Liepard to raise my shiny Popplio's (now a Primarina)  Speed EVs
About me: closed with the note: game freak exposed!!!11111
closed with the note: an apparition of ash ketchum himself appeared before me, and said "no"
closed with the note: i can't see any mistakes with the team,, it must be perfect!!!
closed with the note: what would mrs charles say about this
closed with the note: I take it "all competitive players" includes you?
closed with the note: you have no counters to bellsprout : (
closed with the note: no. i personally disallow it. there will be no more cute fairy type pokemon
- Funny closed notes from Fizz

Some advice to users:
Read the rules thoroughly, don't be a jerk to others, use good grammar, explain your answers clearly
~ Giga Blade X
If you get the answer to a question from a site, make sure to leave a source. A link to said site is also nice. Don't get upset if your question or answer is flagged. If you ask a dupe question, you can learn from the original. If it's low-quality, use it to improve your later questions/answers.
~ Gladion Aether
Looking for more advice for users. Please post on my wall if you have good advice for users.
 For new users who post movesets, here is a reference on how movesets should be formatted so they can be easier to read:

[Pokemon] @ [Item]
Ability: [Ability]
EVs: [#] [Stat] / [#] [Stat] / ...
[Nature] Nature
- [Move 1]
- [Move 2]
- [Move 3]
- [Move 4]

Those who get Expert, please, please, please don't misuse your powers like Gligurr did.

Hello. I'm -RisingManectric-. You can call me Manectric, or MM, or Volt if you want.
Former names on Pokebase:


New inspirational quote of 2020: "Um."- ManectricMadness

Pokebase Achievements:
9/1/20: reached 500 points
10/11/20: reached 1,000 points
11/17/20: 1,500 points
12/12/20: 2,000 points
1/15/21: 2,500 points
2/23/21: 3,000 points
4/1/21: 3,500 points, made it to top 100 users
5/4/21: reached 4000 points
7/5/21: 4,500 points
10/25/21: 5,000 points
12/11/21: Promoted to Expert (Thanks Fizz!)
12/17/21: 5,500 Points
3/21/22: 6,000 points
5/24/22: 6,500 points
7/27/22: 7,000 points
9/14/22: 7,500 points
11/25/22: 8,000 points
1/19/23: 8,500 points
4/7/23: 8,888 points lol
4/8/23: Promoted to Editor
4/22/23: 9,000 points lol
5/28/23: 9,500 points
7/29/23: 10,000 points
1/23/24: 11,000 points
12/7/24: 12,000 points
Favorite Pokemon by Type:
Normal: Zangoose, Porygon-Z, Obstagoon, Tauros
Fighting: Machamp, Hitmonlee, Blaziken, Toxicroak, Hawlucha, Kommo-o, Pangoro
Flying: Butterfree, Pidgeot, Crobat, Xatu, Salamence, Togekiss, Sigilyph, Hawlucha
Electric: Magnezone, Dracozolt, Vikavolt, Manectric
Ground: Sandslash, Dugtrio, Golem, Flygon, Excadrill
Ice: Cloyster, Weavile, Glalie
Rock: Golem, Aerodactyl, Tyranitar, Barbaracle, Tyrantrum, Lycanroc-Dusk
Steel: Scizor, Magnezone, Excadrill, Klinklang, Bisharp, Durant
Fire: Arcanine, Houndoom, Blaziken, Chandelure, Volcarona
Water: Blastoise, Cloyster, Kingdra, Sharpedo, Crawdaunt, Greninja, Barbaracle, Barraskewda
Grass: Sceptile, Torterra, Decidueye, Rillaboom
Poison: Beedrill, Crobat, Nidoking, Ariados, Toxicroak, Venomoth
Fairy: Clefable, Togekiss, Sylveon
Dark: Houndoom, Mightyena, Sharpedo, Crawdaunt, Sableye, Bisharp, Obstagoon

Quotes time!
"Scarf Drapion hits like a wet noodle" -ManectricMadness 2021 (seriously, Scarf Drapion is bad. Don't use it.)
"Crud, I'm an idiot. Sorry."
commented Jul 9, 2020 by Omega~Blade X (If I had to give X a line to say every time he made a mistake, it'd be this one. XD)
3 minutes ago
The first three letters of my name is banned from chat (Dedenne) @ Sitrus Berry Ability: Cheek Pouch EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Super Fang - Toxic - U-turn - Recycle
2 minutes ago
Speaking of Dedenne..." -ManectricMadness (The nickname of the Dedenne is just outright hillarious. XD )
"I love how new users ask what Pokemon everyone in chat likes the best when there's a section on profiles for that" -Omega~Blade X  (For new users, there's a section where people put their favorite Pokemon.)
"[14:08:36] Sir Keats: tfw all gamefreak balance ends up revolving around vgc" Why is that true lol
"#31: Dpanimation: hey anyone know why flygon looks like a dragon type,attacks like a dragon type,he's moveset has dragon type attcks but he isn't a dragon type?"
"#53: [01:14] yamomshooen: o/
[01:15] @LessThanThreeMan: o/
[01:19] Crystal vince: o/
[01:21] yamomshooen: ngl...Ik its supposed to be a greeting but we looking like that 1 dude that failed art class
Added by shengineer on 2024-12-06 06:22am"
"14:35:47] slice up shao: PSA: webs are NOT good and neither are mons like staraptor, infernape, espeon, torterra, and more
[14:36:12] slice up shao: i highly recommend using other mons i want to face real teams :sob:
[14:36:24] @pokeslice: wow preach
[14:36:39] @pokeslice: this guy knows whats up
[14:38:18] @pokeslice: someone needs to fight this webs epidemic on ladder" NU chatroom 1/9/2025 (So true, NU ladder needs to hear this person lmao)

Activity by -RisingManectric-

Score: 12,636 points (ranked #34)
Questions: 86 (69 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 1,420 (115 chosen as best)
Comments: 704
Voted on: 2 questions, 66 answers
Gave out: 62 up votes, 6 down votes
Received: 1,027 up votes, 8 down votes

Wall for -RisingManectric-

Please log in or register to post on this wall.
Wait I accidentally deleted the wall post
Also the viable part is not me
7 hours ago by Ferarri
also we load tensa for sub this gon be fire
2 days ago by BananaBroSHSID
I see
3 days ago by Tensa Zangetsu
I battled this person before and passed them the exact same team we both ended up using in this battle lol
Feb 19 by -RisingManectric-
Umbreon is not viable in OU and I made my team around it and I did post the team
Feb 9 by Ferarri
in rule 2.2 it says I have to be willing to make changes like “Ubers tiered mons in Ubers” and I was making an OU team with Umbreon and wanted it to stay so is it illegal if I ask for the final team to have Umbreon or is that illegal too
Feb 9 by Ferarri
Hey, I know it’s been a long time but may I please ask you something?
Feb 9 by ShinyMagikarp555
Ypu there
Feb 5 by The-voids-umbreon