About me:
Pokémon I dislike: Charizard, Pikachu, Mimikyu, Kyogre. Sylveon.
Favorite town: Hoppy Town
My favorite type is poison, and I have a lot of Pokémon of that type that I really like. Here is the list.
( in no particular order...)
Foonguss, Grimer, Muk, Gulpin, Swalot.
Pokémon I’m always looking for: high level Meowth with the pickup ability. ( I like to train them to level 100 and then get a team of six and use pay day in the wild and get money and potentially items at the same time.) :
Oricorio. ( shiny or regular, I love to collect them. It’s my favorite Flying type Pokémon.
Magikarp. ( does anything else really need to be said?...)
Pidgeot. ( I’m also always looking for pidgeot as well.)
If you have any your willing to trade, please post on my wall to let me know! The meowth are what I’m really looking for, but I’ll take anything...
Least favorite Pokémon type: Fairy. ( in my humble opinion, this type shouldn’t even exist... :/...)
Favorite type: Dark
( though if I’m being truly honest, my all time favorite type would be the ??? Type, despite the fact that it was basically useless.)
Other Pokémon I like: ( in no particular order)
Darkrai, Meloetta, Arceus, Giratina, Bruxish, Feebas, Guzzlord, Kartana, Absol, Comfey, ( I know I hate the fairy type, but I do have a soft side for some fairy type Pokémon.) Spritzee.
My story: I came to this site after I joined a Discord server, and to make a long story short, telling die-hard Pokémon fans that my favorite Pokémon was Magikarp, was not one of my brightest moments...!
Good rule of thumb to become an excellent trainer: give every single one of your Magikarp that you find an everstone, and level them to level 100! I promise you won’t regret it! And yes I’m being serious!
More Pokémon I can add to my list: Heatran, Skarmory,