PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User Helios_Ex

Member for: 11 years (since Nov 8, 2013)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Latios
Country: Braviary
Favorite Pokémon: Klefki .3. and Bisharp (dose thighs tho), and Scrafty (Not for nubs to use)
Friend Codes: God, let's see how I remember this...
Safari: Dragon (Fraxure, Shellgon, Sliggoo? don't remember last one.)

If that doesn't work... go here:
tell me what U want, and I am sure we can make a deal
About me: "I play, and I breed... just about it.

I am also Super Excited for Mega Beedrill... Not sure why."

-My Original Profile...

New one is as Follows:

I breed, play (OBVIOUSLY!), and am very fond of Klefki.

On PS, I am one of two names: HOTFIER! (Main) and Helios_Ex (Alt)

Friends: Dunno, haven't really known much people... but, I do have some on PS...

Friends: Banded Zubat, Jumpluff4Ubers, Shadorai, Chimplup, Overseer Steel, Amethyst Nightmare, Antto, Kaboom0, and Starlowe... along with some more I can't remember...

Enemies: E-Series 1B (Also a friend), Hax... (again sometimes friend), and anyone who uses Greninja in dark monotype.

People who might not like me: Shaymin... It's just the puns, there's really no reason for me to be Shaymin myself about this.

My top ten Pokemon list...

10:Literally any sandstorm pokemon named Darude./Dragonite (Puff <3)
9:Gengar (So... now he can twerk)
5: Togekiss (Doge <3)
4: Suicune
2: Scrafty (Ever since 5th Gen)
1: Klefki (My Hotkeys are good.)

my favorite Types
3: Water
2: Ghost/dark, they really tie here.
1: Steel

Thank you for reading my Profile... if you need to learn breeding, Training,  contact me at
[email protected]

Activity by Helios_Ex

Score: 26 points (ranked #5,282)
Questions: 3 (3 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 4
Comments: 14
Voted on: 0 questions, 2 answers
Gave out: 2 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 3 up votes, 3 down votes

Wall for Helios_Ex

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Hi man
Nov 3, 2014 by LeafeonLol>:D
I can only post on my wall from RMT... odd...
Nov 2, 2014 by Helios_Ex
"So Excited For Mega Beedrill... That's gonna bee so much fun. " <---"BEE so much fun" I SEE WHAT U DID THERE
Nov 2, 2014 by Jellohamster
Welcome to the site!
Nov 2, 2014 by Keromatsu
Sep 18, 2014 by a creepy stalker