Favorite Pokémon:
1. Rapidash, 2. Metagross, 3. Milotic, 4. Florges, 5. Gardevoir, 6. Empoleon, 7. Lapras, 8. Delphox, 9. Froslass, 10. Dragalge
About me:
A female gamer since a very young age, and more importantly a pokemon fan since the early days of Red and Blue, and have played every generation since.
Other games I've played:
Xbox: Bayonetta, Dragon age origins, Dragon age 2, Call of Duty MW 1, 2 and 3, Viva Pinata 1 and 2, Left 4 Dead, Dishonored, Skyrim
Steam/ Origin: The Sims 3, Half Life, Dishonored, Left 4 Dead, Skyrim, Mass Effect 1, 2 + 3,
I don't get a lot of time or opportunity to play games, but if you'd like my tags on either Steam or Xbox360, let me know!