PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User Pisc

Member for: 9 years (since Dec 30, 2014)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Voting posts down
Flagging posts
Posting on user walls
Gender: manly
Country: Murica
Favorite Pokémon: Ummmmmmmm
Friend Codes: 1822 1931 7401
About me: I decided to actually write a surprisingly interesting little bio. My name is Chase. I'm eighteen and I've been playing pokemon for most of my life.  I played every game since sapphire but skipped X/Y..I should really get that.  Anyway, I think the people here are awesome, some of my favorites including Tenebrae, Blake, King Crobat (Icy) thanks for everything man, gosu, Epixel, !Barx101!, Sir_Mudkip, Kallistra, Daneun, DemonFlygawne, , diamondroseangel (lol hi dia), Stargaze, Your Worst Nightmare, PokeFlamey, Low, Twig. I really like battling. If you wanna battle, hit me up. Hmm..what to say. I'm really nice? I hope..oh, and honorable mention goes to Thunder-genie. I think he's an amazing guy.

Activity by Pisc

Score: 272 points (ranked #629)
Questions: 12 (6 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 17 (5 chosen as best)
Comments: 13
Voted on: 0 questions, 2 answers
Gave out: 2 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 16 up votes, 2 down votes

Wall for Pisc

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do you still play league?
Dec 17, 2016 by BMO
Yo you still alive mate?
Aug 26, 2015 by Infernal♕Crown(twig)
Aug 7, 2015 by Gosu
where are ye pisc? :o
Jul 27, 2015 by Meowstic
Thresh! Where you at?
Jun 24, 2015 by Gosu
If you don't see me in chat just post on my wall and let me know you're still on the site dude :)
Jun 21, 2015 by Sophisticles
Long time no see BTW XD
Jun 21, 2015 by Sophisticles
Pisc! Where've you been??
Jun 21, 2015 by Sophisticles
When will you come online btw? I haven't seen you since time immemorial now
May 29, 2015 by TallyHo
I need your answer to my question. This is about breeding shinies.
How many eggs did it take you to hatch a shiny during your longest breeding project?
Please post your answer on my wall.
May 23, 2015 by ovikdas739