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User Pokémon Master Kaleb

Member for: 1 year (since May 31, 2023)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Non-Binary (They Them)
Favorite Pokémon: This account has a new profile somewhere else on the database but I'll be inactive for a little bit of time sorry for the inconvenience -Pokémon Professor Kaleb
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About me: Account Abandoned...... Goodbye everyone......

Activity by Pokémon Master Kaleb

Score: 22 points (ranked #5,663)
Questions: 1 (1 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 0
Comments: 0
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
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Wall for Pokémon Master Kaleb

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My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. To all law enforcement entities, this is not an admission of guilt. I am speaking to my family now. Skyler, you are the love of my life. I hope you know that. Walter Jr., you're my big man. There are going to be some things that you'll come to learn about me in the next few days. But just know that no matter how it may look, I only had you in my heart. Goodbye.
Feb 12, 2024 by NobleOnion
Hey everyone it's Kaleb I've been thinking.. I've become one of the best Pokemon trainers and I've beat all the games so far I've collected and completed all the Pokedexs each game I've held the title of Pokemon Master since 2018 but it's lonely at the top. You know I want to do? I'm going to become a Pokemon professor now I'm going to help new trainers and seasoned trainers  with anything they need help with Pokémon wise anything Pokemon battle strategies, searching for Pokemon, movesets, items all of that I became one of the best trainers that I know sure there are some who are above me somewhere below me but it doesn't matter we are all Pokemon trainers but I want to become more than just another Pokemon Master I want to become a Pokemon professor to help every trainer that needs assistance. I'm still going to have my title as Pokemon Master but I'm going to put that off to the side for now. Because to me helping other trainers means a lot more than some title that I've learned through the years. I hope you will all help me on this journey of being a Pokemon professor now I will slowly update my profile and other places that have made my presence known on. I  hope you all help me and let me help all of you on this journey of me being a Pokemon professor and I hope I'll be able to help as many of you and Pokémon Community if I can and make a difference for everyone and for future generations of Pokemon trainers to come this is all for now thank you for those who will help me on this journey this is Pokemon professor Kaleb signing out.
Feb 5, 2024 by Pokémon Master Kaleb
@NobleOnion It would be good to have a master team as well as a team that you can use to switch out Pokémon for different battles. you can use a master team for more competitive battles   and the secondary team you use as a  Non competitive team. only time I don't use my master team if it's not a competitive battle but other than that I will use my master team. on the other hand though if you make a non-competitive team that you use you can switch out those Pokemon to get a better grasp on different strategies different techniques and different ways to play to say the most having a secondary will help you with using your master team and help make strategies for that team also experimenting with items isnt too bad as well but hey everyone has there own way of doing things ^^  trust this worked for me it will work for you if not I'm sorry that my advice was not helpful
Feb 5, 2024 by Pokémon Master Kaleb
Can't believe I've been playing Pokémon for 8 years and not put together a Master Team, I oughta do that.
Feb 3, 2024 by NobleOnion
MASTER TEAM UPDATE  Walrein HAS officially left my team being replaced by the fighting and ice  type  crabominable The only remaining surviving Pokemon of my OG TEAM is my delphox this will most likely be my final Pokemon change out for my team to make it more diverse and to figure out more battle strategies this will be permanent and the permanent Master team of course there is another reason why I chose c r a b o m i n a b l e but I'll let you figure that out ;-) thank you for understanding it is a sad thing that we had to withdraw Walrein for my team but it is for a better cause
Feb 3, 2024 by Pokémon Master Kaleb
Honestly yeah and being a Master class trainer makes people worse than usual toxic people always trying to pressure you into battling them to see if your better than them or not I don't really fall for it if they try to pressure me into battling or if they are just toxic in general I ignore it really it's sad to see people do this but it's just the reality we live in people can't be like "Oh your a Amazing Competitive trainer" or "Cool your a Pokémon Master " and leave it at that but some just go out of their way to make your day ****** and say stuff like "Oh if your a Pokémon Master you'll battle me don't be a Coward" its just stupid how toxic  people can be I wish the gaming and other communities can just get along and NOT be toxic but thats the reality we live in you just gotta ignore them and move on be the best you can be and ignore the people who try to bring you down.
Feb 2, 2024 by Pokémon Master Kaleb
Ah, that kind of stuff. I honestly don't get people who do that... like, for crying out loud, it's Pokemon. It's just a game... they need to learn to chill out and move on with their lives.
Feb 2, 2024 by -RisingManectric-
@-RisingManectric- noted basically the toxic stuff I'm talking about is people basically saying oh you suck even though they're being beat like cussing you out stuff like that saying oh you suck it better crap like that I do deal with it a lot and I basically just ignore it and just let karma take effect so they can try to be toxic I just don't care but I just haven't used it as much due to toxicity and me being very busy
Feb 2, 2024 by Pokémon Master Kaleb
2 hours ago
Honestly the one reason I stopped using Pokemon showdown is because of people spamming either legendaries or just being completely toxic that's like one reason why I just don't go on showdown anymore"

I assume you play AG, so don't play AG if you don't want to deal with the so called legendary spam just because you don't feel like using legendaries...
You could play a format like NU, as ot doesn't have much (good) legendaries. (Definitely not saying NU because I play NU so there's some bias, no, not at all)
Also, what are people saying that you find toxic?
Feb 2, 2024 by -RisingManectric-
@Ferarri I've been a Pokemon trainer since I was starting to watch the show and playing the games when I was a young lad like when I was 10 or 11 i became a Pokemon Master in 2018 and I've just been defending the title of Pokemon Master since then
Feb 2, 2024 by Pokémon Master Kaleb