PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User pikachu4567

Member for: 9 years (since Feb 14, 2016)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
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Posting on user walls
Country: United States of America
Favorite Pokémon: Torchic, all eeveelutions, Raichu, Tauros, Rayquaza, Diagla, ,Luxray, Skitty, Bulbasaur. And Pikachu. I also like vaporeon and eevee, and the entire piplup line
Friend Codes:
About me: I really love Luxrays, Skitties and video games. I love pokemon and minecraft. Luxray, aka Alyssa is awesome. I am naive, and impish. I love ketchup, like other pikachus. Skittles is my shiny skitty. I love pikchus, espcilly my stuffed one. I love drawing pokemon. Togepi is my best drawing. I love the pikachu thats not chubby.  Oh, and if any of you want to , call me Courtney. Its not my actual name, but you can. Its what my friends call me. Oh, and my whole Soul Silver and diamond teams games

Luxray Lv. 82 Male
Roserade Lv. 76 Female
Azumarill Lv. 67 Female
Skitty Lv. 78 Female
Chatot Lv. 65 Female
Cacturne Lv. 70 Female
-Soul Silver:
Feraligatr Lv. 58 Female
Eevee Lv. 23 Female
Lugia Lv. 46
Shuckle Lv. 21 Male
Sudowoodo Lv. 21 Male
Gyarados Lv. 37 Female (Shiny)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hey, everyone! On Meta, thank you for getting me to page 3 of the top users! I appreciate those who up voted me.  I feel like I'm going to burst of joy! Thank you!

Activity by pikachu4567

Score: 86 points (ranked #1,362)
Questions: 42 (8 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 7 (2 chosen as best)
Comments: 62
Voted on: 10 questions, 105 answers
Gave out: 115 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 4 up votes, 3 down votes

Wall for pikachu4567

Please log in or register to post on this wall.
Jul 28, 2016 by pikachu4567
Welcome to the site
Jul 25, 2016 by ~Mega Charizard X~
Apr 7, 2016 by pikachu4567
Apr 6, 2016 by Eponyta
Apr 5, 2016 by pikachu4567
Apr 5, 2016 by pikachu4567
Guide for Being my friend

Hi. I'm pikachu, or call me pika. I'm going to teach you how to get used to me and be my friend.

                                                        ~ Friending~
First off, I have to give you a quiz to detemrain if you are like me, or have similarties. Next, I have to check if you are telling the truth. I don't like to be friends with people who lie! A good way is to be honest. And, of course, be nice to me. If you can do that, I can reward you with a friendship. Good luck!

                                     Becoming used to me

To become used to me, you probably will have to look deep inside me. I may seem annoying, but i am actually shy. You must understand that to become used to me.

    And that is the guide! Plz post on my wall! Thank you!
Mar 27, 2016 by pikachu4567
Mar 27, 2016 by pikachu4567