PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User toxicroaker

Member for: 12 years (since Oct 25, 2012)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Gender: Male
Country: America
Favorite Pokémon: in order from best to worst (top ten). 1 Toxicroaker. 2 Mewtwo. 3 Cacturne. 4 Porygon-Z. 5 Archeops. 6 Magcargo. 7 Jellicent. 8 Ludicolo. 9 Porygon 2. 10 Sandslash.
Friend Codes: White 2: 2237-6495-3761 I only do trades right now and if anyone wants a Pokemon with 31 speed or hp ivs I will breed one for you (if you give me a good Pokemon to)
About me: It all started 3 years ago...
   My dad is a pipe-liner so we went off to a job in Oklahoma. We had some friends on the job there I was 8 at the time and my friends were Sammy who was 7, and Daniel who was 8. I hated Pokemon at the time and Sammy and Daniel loved it. I acted like I liked it so that they would have something to talk to me about.
  We watched a pokemon episode with ash using a snorlax and a grovile againsed a girl (maby a gym leader?) with a hariyama and a medicham. That lead to my love of Hariyama. They also had a handbook for pokemon. I saw the Regi trio and took a personal liking to registeel. I also saw weezing and took a liking to him. *timewarp to one year ago* I finally got pokemon black and white version (yes both of them) and played them as my first pokemon game.

Activity by toxicroaker

Score: 354 points (ranked #530)
Questions: 18 (10 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 19 (4 chosen as best)
Comments: 34
Voted on: 13 questions, 78 answers
Gave out: 88 up votes, 3 down votes
Received: 25 up votes, 1 down vote

Wall for toxicroaker

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Nice Chinese word on your Gravatar.
Jan 15, 2017 by Orange Gaimer
you copied my name!
i was playing pokemon long before you too
Jun 28, 2014 by Toxicroak