The Pokéwalker
This section describes the Pokéwalker, the new peripheral that comes with Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver, and lists the Pokémon you can find on each route.
About the Pokéwalker
Styled like a PokéBall, the Pokéwalker allows you to tranfer a Pokémon to it and take it for a walk on a specified route. When a Pokémon is in the Pokéwalker, it can find items and battle wild Pokémon, with a simple battle system.

The Pokéwalker main screen, showing the route terrain, Pokémon, and number of steps taken.
The Pokéwalker's main function is a pedometer, so as you walk it will count the number of steps you take. Every 20 steps counts as one Watt
. The more Watts you earn, the more you unlock on the Pokéwalker, such as additional routes and rarer wild Pokémon. Your Pokémon also earn one EXP point per step, until they have enough to go up one level. After that, they will not earn any more until their level increases, which happens when transferred back to the game.
It's relatively easy to gain Watts, just keep the Pokéwalker in your pocket as you go about your daily life of school, work, etc. I work in an office where I'm sat down a lot of the time and still get over 1,500 steps a day. If you play any sport you can get a lot of steps that way too.
All the possible Pokéwalker routes are listed to the right. Some are only avilable through Wi-fi events so may be unavailable at this time. Each route requires a certain number of Watts on the Pokéwalker to unlock, with 8 routes available pre-National Dex and 12 after you obtain the National Dex (after beating the Elite Four and Champion).
Each route has three advantageous types
- if you send over a Pokémon of that type, the required number of steps to find each wild Pokémon are reduced by 25%.
Pokéwalker Routes
There are three groups of Pokémon on each of the routes listed below: A is rarest and C is most common. There are two Pokémon in each group, one of which is randomly selected from each group when you tranfer a Pokémon to the Pokéwalker. Only that one Pokémon from each group will appear in the wild, until you return from the stroll and transfer a Pokémon again.
Pre-National Dex
Route | Watts | Adv. Types |
Noisy Forest | 0 | Fire Ice Flying |
Refreshing Field | 0 | Fire Flying Bug |
Rugged Road | 50 | Water Fighting Ground |
Beautiful Beach | 200 | Electric Grass Dragon |
Suburban Area | 500 | Normal Fighting Psychic |
Dim Cave | 1,000 | Water Rock Dark |
Blue Lake | 2,000 | Electric Grass Dragon |
Town Outskirts | 3,000 | Normal Fighting Ghost |
Post-National Dex
Route | Watts | Adv. Types |
Hoenn Field | 5,000 | Fire Flying Bug |
Warm Beach | 7,500 | Electric Grass Dragon |
Volcano Path | 10,000 | Water Fighting Rock |
Treehouse | 15,000 | Fire Ice Flying |
Scary Cave | 20,000 | Rock Ghost Dark |
Sinnoh Field | 25,000 | Fire Ice Flying |
Icy Mountain Rd | 30,000 | Fire Ice Ground |
Big Forest | 40,000 | Fire Ice Flying |
White Lake | 50,000 | Electric Grass Dragon |
Stormy Beach | 65,000 | Electric Grass Dragon |
Resort | 80,000 | Normal Fighting Psychic |
Quiet Cave | 100,000 | Psychic Ghost Dark |
Special Event
Route | Method | Adv. Types |
Beyond the Sea | Foreign Pokemon trade on GTS | Electric Grass Dragon |
Night Sky's Edge | Transfer event Jirachi | Water Fighting Ground |
Yellow Forest | Wi-Fi event | Electric Grass Ground |
Rally | Wi-Fi event | Ice Ground Psychic |
Sightseeing | Wi-Fi event | Water Electric Fighting |
Winner's Path | Wi-Fi event | Electric Fighting Dark |
Amity Meadow | Wi-Fi event | Fire Fighting Ground |