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I pulled one and it’s the first decent card I pulled (other than common holos) in about 5 packs and it’s really pretty and I just want to know is it’s on the rarer side or rare pulls or common for a rare


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It’s just as rare as any other V that isn’t full art/secret rare.
Its not as rare as a rainbow rare, but not as easy to find as a basic for example. I’d say it’s similar rarity to GX from the Sun/Moon series.
It’s only just like normal ultra-rare cards, but there’s other ultra rare cards in evolving skies, which makes more difficult to pull a rayquaza v

Source:my own experience about tcg
How many ultra rare cards have you found? How statistically significant is your experience?
So many that i can’t count. Rayquaza V is only a ultra-rare like all other cards but is more difficult to get cuz exist other ultra rares, I guess

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