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User DarkVoid_Z

Member for: 4 years (since Mar 23, 2020)
Type: Registered user
Gender: N/A
Country: New Moon Island
Favorite Pokémon: Absolute favorite: Darkrai 2# Flapple 3# Aegislash
Friend Codes: 4957-7957-4686
About me: Please share any good quotes.

*The "Great" Wall of Quotes*

shoves my throat down my throat-Primal , how is that even possible???

Confusion intensifies-X, I feel you

Stop. Laughing. You. Dumb. Breath. Of. Air.-Y , Breath. Of. Air.- :(((
I think that master ball caught one of my internal organs- Primal

I'd love to make a picture of Gla-Gla standing over three girls, dead and on fire, saying "That'll teach you to mess with my girl.". I would use that as my Grav. XD -giru, I'm scared

Wait...... MagEARNA THE MACARENA- kyogre

A conga line of derpy Haus, some zombie spider Haus swimming through the ground, a dabbing Mew, derpy Pika in a UFO flailing her arms, and Gladion juggling flamethrowers that burn stuff down. While Thriller plays.- Giru, at least there isn't any murder this time


Soviet Piplup....-Kyogre

I loved it when pikachu was fat as frick-pk

(Epic atg sacraficing Panera bread to PrimalKyogre nosies”-Primal

Oh boy mewderator caught us eating squigglys-Primal

9/3/20 Mewderator said something on chat, I can be here without saying anything you know ;)

All toodles reminds me of is High School Musical. *shudder*- stateside

Yeah. She ate jimmy’s electric chair romantically -Primal

No dude you buffoon -Snivy

That's probably the same fly who stood on a pizza and touched my Gladion card! DIE, FOUL DEMON!-Giru

Cool (playfully bashed Nova and Glazio on their backs with a hammer)-Pk, that escalated quickly

(screams at fictional christian kids)- Giru

(dabs)-Giru, perish

Coffee sucks so hard.-Giru

“No offense”-the thing everyone says before they are about to offend overly sensitive people -Primal, very true.

*saws off ATG's typical glance with leaf tail now he's just A* - Y

its that one where the husband shoved his kids into the oil tanks-Y


Atg has an atypical sized brain :/- Y

Jirachi is hot garbage-x, well u still said im hot so...-jirachi

we are all just brains wearing flesh suits- ACCA

Everyone’s a hot dude except people who are not hot dudes-Y,  Y's first postulate

I doubt Iron Man lost his pony and needed a minor to help him-Giru

There were a dozen Pikachus shocking my legs and nibbling on them- TheHappening

Today, instead of underwear, I covered my crotch with Potato salad- -, w h a t

 either that or I'm JUST cupioromantic which is just aro with extra steps-Anon

optimism is the worst trait these mortals have….. -Primal

beastmaster looking kinda thicc today- Misfortune, congratulations this will be immortalized

Yes Brain Crystal :sunglasses:-Primal

BUT I WANT AN 8 INCH BMMMMM-Primal, haha no context for you

Personally I think I'd rather pay a visit to Uwao, Gau's dried meat shop.-Giru

So be careful that you don't get one he's chewed on. Check for teeth marks.-Giru

I blunt force fangirl over feral boys.-Giru

Tee Hee is trademarked by Michael Jackson-Assault

summons nb mountain-Y, sooo, a mountain?

ty has a stab kink confirmed?-Y

Taboo Beanie is the 5th Tapu-Pk

i know a demonic barbie doll myself, she however likes to rip locks open with her teeth-Y

Has anyone seen joe in chat recently?-Tesseract
Who is joe-PK
Joe mama-Tesseract, wow, just wow

Meh whatever i’m too high on caffine to really care-MM

If olive oil comes from olives, then where does baby oil come from?-Bm, there was a second one but no, just no

How about i rip your skin off-Atg

Never say such blasphemy again or i shall revoke your spinal privileges-x

I will kill you with my massive thunder thigs-Primal

This is a sad day for mankind, then-X

step aside tinder here comes PokemonDB-Me
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Congrats on reaching the bottom of this, reward yourself with some garlic bread.

Activity by DarkVoid_Z

Score: 20 points (ranked #1,000)
Questions: 0
Answers: 3
Comments: 6
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 0 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for DarkVoid_Z

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Gimme my Garlic Bread rq! >:)
Aug 19, 2021 by xPsydxck
Hi, just a reminder that you have until Wednesday to play J in the tournament
Jul 11, 2021 by PsyKlone
You available to battle anytime soon?
Jul 6, 2021 by Iridacea
Hey you still need to battle Kyogre for the tournament.
Jul 5, 2021 by PsyKlone
Jun 29, 2021 by Iridacea
I really don't do anything so I can probably work around your schedule. As for SPECIFIC times probably 3-6pm every day this week?
Jun 28, 2021 by Iridacea
Hello! Put ch5 up, i  really hope i did allthe right pronouns theres one place where flora says “i was told Rowan was a “he” but she  doesn’t  Actually call them a “he”
Jun 25, 2021 by Dyla N
I should check my messages more often during tournaments

Still available?
Jun 23, 2021 by Stephwheel8
I can battle whenever you are ready today, just wall me
Jun 23, 2021 by Stephwheel8
Alright, that sounds good!
Jun 22, 2021 by Stephwheel8