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User ovikdas739

Member for: 10 years (since Oct 19, 2014)
Type: Registered user
Gender: This ain't a dating website.
Country: United States of America
Favorite Pokémon: Anything that is competitively viable.
Friend Codes: Pokémon Moon FC: 5043-4276-4454
About me: You can just call me Ovik.

I loved the pokemon franchise since I 2009. I first watched pokemon episodes, then begged my parents to get me some of those pokemon mini-figurines. Now here I am with a Pokemon X game.

Update 5/1/15:

I am breeding for a shiny Beldum right now. Also, ITS STORY TIME!

Once upon a time, there was this guy named ovikdas739, who wanted to be a show off by catching a shiny for the first time by chain fishing. He kept desperately trying to find one, but there was no hope. On the 328th chain, he found a shiny Octillery, just what he needed! Then he accidentally pressed RUN.
THE END.........Sad story.......right?   
That was true.

Now time for fake funny shiny story!

There was once a man, who dreamed of becoming a breeding master. He won every single tournament with his perfect IV'd and perfect natured pokémon. One day he realized he needed a true accomplishment. He needed a shiny. He tried so hard to hatch a shiny with the Masuda Method for 2 years! When he finally gave up, he took his pokémon from the Daycare Center, and he realized that both of the pokémon he left at the daycare were from the same country! Then he committed suicide.


Update 5/15/15

This breeding project is bugging me now. I'm at 630 eggs, and still no shiny. I probably get 30 eggs a day cuz of this stupid Beldum. ........Hope I don't rage quit like an idiot.

Update 5/20/15:
My bird died. I'm really not kidding. 11 years of love gone.

Update 5/22/15:

Okay, I'm going to start giving surveys to some people. This is to see what trainers like most. I change the question once every week.

Update 5/23/15:


Update 6/6/15:

Lol. I got a Mesprit from Wonder Trading.

*doin' ma happy dance*

UPDATE 11/27/16:

Hey I'm back and alive, and ready to catch some UB's in Pokémon Moon. I'm about to catch Guzzlord.

Update 12/4/16:

Caught all the Ultra Beasts, and getting ready to head into competitive battling.

Update 12/7/16:

Remember when I was aiming to breed a shiny Beldum?
Well, uh yeah I'm doing that again in Moon. With my luck, I don't think I'll get the shiny Beldum anytime soon. Well that's pretty pessimistic because I only hatched 38 eggs so far. lol

Update 12/28/16:

I'm at 705 eggs at Shiny Beldum, still nothing. Once I'm at a thousand eggs, I'll start losing hope. At the moment I feel I have nothing else better in life to do other than hatching eggs, so I'm not really upset that I have not gotten my Beldum yet. I'm getting 30 eggs per hour, so I say I should be getting my hard-earned reward by the end of the year.

Update 12/31/16:

Happy New Year's Eve! May 2017 be better than this year! My goal is to get that darn shiny Beldum before this day ends.

Update 1/1/17:

It's good to start on a clean slate again on Pokemon. I lied. 1090 eggs and I STILL haven't gotten the darn thing.

Update 1/2/17:

Alright, I can't handle it anymore. 1250 eggs and still nothing?! I get that each egg has an independent chance of being a shiny, but this is ridiculous! Heh, well that's my luck. I ordered a sandwich from a small restaurant in LegoLand and I discovered that the bottom bun was missing. I don't think I'll get my shiny any time soon, but I can't give up, you know?

Update 1/7/2017:

People are now praising me for spinning a circle pad all day? That's something new.

Update 1/8/2017:

I GOT THE SHINY BELDUM ON MY 1681th EGG!!! That was a task well done. Now to execute Order 66 on all these failed Beldums.

Activity by ovikdas739

Score: 20 points (ranked #998)
Questions: 0
Answers: 0
Comments: 0
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
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"This ain't a dating website"

Best response ever :3
Jan 14, 2017 by Emty
Your dedication to breeding is fascinating. /Phrasing/

Teach me your secret ways of patience, master.
Jan 5, 2017 by Emty
nah m8 ;)
Nov 4, 2015 by Hellfire Taco
:v? Did you die or something?
Jul 21, 2015 by Hexahedron
Okay, just curious, what do you have uft?
Jun 6, 2015 by Hexahedron
Connect to the internet lol, i was actually just going to trade you one (i saw your pss message)
Jun 6, 2015 by Hexahedron
May 30, 2015 by Silverdragon :D
May 30, 2015 by a creepy stalker
how do it work?
May 30, 2015 by Hellfire Taco
May 30, 2015 by Hellfire Taco