Pokémon Rate My Team
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Rate my BDSP OU team

Nature: Adamant (+Attack, -Special Attack)
Moveset: Extreme Speed, Outrage, Earthquake, Dragon Dance
Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 252 Attack, 4 Special Defence, 252 Speed
Item: Lum Berry

Nature: Bold (+Defence, -Attack)
Moveset: Scald, Sludge Wave, Rapid Spin, Knock Off
Ability: Liquid Ooze
EVs: 248 HP, 64 Defence, 196 Speed
Item: Black Sludge

Nature: Jolly (+Speed, -Special Attack)
Moveset: Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Morning Sun, Will-O-Wisp
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 140 HP, 116 Attack, 252 Speed
Item: Leftovers

Nature: Impish (+Defence, -Special Attack)
Moveset: Spikes, Brave Bird, Roost, Whirlwind
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP, 248 Defence, 8 Speed
Item: Leftovers

Nature: Timid (+Speed, -Attack)
Moveset: Nasty Plot, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 Special Attack, 4 Special Defence, 252 Speed
Item: Focus Sash

Nature: Jolly (+Speed, -Special Attack)
Moveset: Icicle Crash, Ice Shard, Throat Chop, Poison Jab
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Attack, 4 Special Defence, 252 Speed
Item: Choice Band

For Dragonite, Dragon Dance is good for setup. Outrage is the main STAB. Extreme Speed gives priority and coverage. Earthquake is also coverage. Then for Tentacruel, Scald and Sludge Wave are STAB. Rapid Spin clears hazards like Stealth Rock. Knock Off can remove the opponent’s item and is sometimes useful for coverage. Arcanine is one of my favourite Pokemon. Flare Blitz for STAB and Close Combat for coverage. Morning Sun covers HP lost from recoil. Will-O-Wisp for status. Skarmory is a staller but it is fun to use. Spikes does bonus damage when the opponent switches. Roost for healing, Whirlwind to get out of a bad situation. On Alakazam, Nasty Plot for setup. Psychic is STAB and is very strong with Nasty Plot. Shadow Ball and Focus Blast are coverage. Weavile is another attacker. Choice Band powers up Ice Shard. Icicle Crash and Throat Chop are the main STABs. Poison Jab for coverage.


This post is an example RMT, connected with this guide about good RMT posts. It is a bad example, because:

  • After reading the entire post, it’s still unclear what the goals of the team are and how it fits together. Is the person trying to sweep with Alakazam or Dragonite? How does each Pokemon support each other?
  • The descriptions are written as one big long paragraph at the end that nobody wants to read. They should be split up and written underneath each set.
  • Almost all the descriptions in the post are useless. They give obvious information like which moves are STAB and which moves are for “setup”. There is no information about why any of the moves are good in the author’s eyes, or even why the Pokemon were chosen to begin with.
  • There is little for the reader to latch onto and give feedback about, because there is no explanation of the teambuilding process.
  • The post glosses over details like the unique EV spreads, making you wonder if the author just copied it from somewhere without thinking, or just dragged the sliders on Showdown randomly.
  • The post completely lacks any recognition of the metagame at large. You wonder if this team exists just because the author likes Dragonite and Arcanine, not because they think those Pokemon are good in BDSP OU or work well together.
  • The title says nothing about the team except that it's for BDSP OU and you are implored to rate it.
  • The post uses atypical syntax, which makes it harder to read. (I even spared you the double line break between every part of the set and the typos everywhere.) Atypical syntax also takes a very long time to write down, which wastes your time.
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