Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for !'•-Indigo-•'! (page 41)

Feb 4, 2014 by !'•-Indigo-•'!
It has BLAZE ability.
Feb 3, 2014 by Mr. Blazo
Feb 3, 2014 by Mr. Blazo
I know you've got expert. :|
I was here when you got it.
Anyways, glad to see you too! :D
Feb 3, 2014 by LeDragónTamer
Hey I know a song called Move too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8s5G0nSvco
Look listen to my voice. If you're makin' the choice, tell all the girls and the boys. Either scream or rejoice let's make that noise. Either move or we will all be destroyed.
MOVE and show me what you can do when you step into the circle and shake like we do. And Move when you just can't take it and Move when you just feel like breaking it.
Feb 3, 2014 by EnergyZebro
No I sleep for about 8-12 hours, may be up to 14 if I'm really tired, I just said 8 as a minimum and so I didn't sound lazy lol :P
Also I don't watch TV very often myself and I actually don't watch Futurama I just posted the link because I thought it was a good image when I was looking at "congratulation" pictures xD
Feb 3, 2014 by Sir Dan
Why would you keep track of how long i've been banned? You've really nothing else better to do in the past 5 months?
Feb 2, 2014 by Gʟɪɢᴜʀʀ
You thought it was a French fry (a chip) lol?

I had a nice sleep if that's what you were implying :P
Feb 2, 2014 by Sir Dan
Feb 2, 2014 by LeDragónTamer
Im no Blaziken, im blazo, or you an call me an Infernape!
Feb 2, 2014 by Mr. Blazo