Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for ALostSoul (page 1)

White 2 friend code: 0434-1926-3456
I'll be waiting in the wifi club for you.
Voice chat might not be on, though.
Jan 27, 2014 by empoleon1
my E-mail is [email protected] and thxz ill addu
Jan 24, 2014 by *TwilightGreninja*
Thank you for leveling flappy I was in a rush and my dad was getting angry
Jan 24, 2014 by Pokélink
Jan 24, 2014 by Candy
Dan, check your wall.
Jan 19, 2014 by ALostSoul
Okay I live in the UK and you live in Texas which is about 6 hours behind the UK, so comment on my wall what times you normally are online so I can be on around the same time as you, because so far every time I'm on and I go in chat your not online.
Jan 19, 2014 by Sir Dan
I want it like really soon, it could be in very good hands before too long, it WILL NOT BE MISTREATED. I can swear to you 100% that IT WILL NOT.
Jan 19, 2014 by ALostSoul
Yeah I've still got it, let me know when you want it :)
Jan 18, 2014 by Sir Dan
Hey ALostSoul, you've been here long enough to know the rules of chat, No talking in all caps and no swearing. Since it was a minor offense you arnt in too much trouble just be more mindful of the chat rules okay.
Jan 17, 2014 by Kameko
Josh heres my email . [email protected] . Send me an email tonight so i have u on it
Jan 10, 2014 by pokemon123