Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Azelfeo (page 8)

Hey, I really want to thank you for the battles yesterday. I haven't battle like that in a long time. But, maybe next time, instead of our Pokemon set to lvl.50, let's battle with our Pokemon at lvl 100 instead. What do you think?
Apr 21, 2019 by Cobruks
Is your showdown name still "the poipole"?
Apr 20, 2019 by Cobruks
I haven't lost in a long time, I actually forgot about marshadows power. Well I'll hand it to you you do deserve that victory
Apr 20, 2019 by Cobruks
I have about four five teams I use, but to I use the most.one you're looking at now
Apr 20, 2019 by Cobruks
It's time to prove just how strong you actually are. Let's just hope that the rumors are true.....
Apr 20, 2019 by Cobruks
Okay dialga I'm coming, only problem is I'm stuck in the battle tree give me about 6 minutes and I will join you
Apr 20, 2019 by Cobruks
Don't worry dialga I'll wait for you, I'm busily breaking records in the battle tree right now. So when you do get your game I'll be on all day today till 9 p.m.
Apr 20, 2019 by Cobruks
What? What did I do now?
Apr 20, 2019 by Thunder Clapper
very nice, i'll  look it then.
Apr 20, 2019 by Hórus
Alright dialga thanks for your help, and don't worry if you're not to be on by that time I'll be on all day, so whenever you're on we can battle and trade.
Apr 20, 2019 by Cobruks