Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Clobboot (page 12)

Hi, how are you?
Jan 13, 2019 by Hórus
That grav. It's beautiful.
Jan 12, 2019 by ♥~Morpekochu~♥
Jan 12, 2019 by Azelfeo
it's like kidneys and kidney stones. people get those mixed up all the time!
Jan 11, 2019 by steamcrusader
new pokemon talk episode! time for more eeveelution antics!
Jan 7, 2019 by steamcrusader
I beat the game on the 31st. 31 hours! But thanks to Shauntal, my plans to finish it in 24 hours failed.
Jan 3, 2019 by Primal Kyogre
Jan 3, 2019 by Primal Kyogre
Thank you. Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!! ^_^
Jan 1, 2019 by emdarling
Ok. Gotcha.
Dec 30, 2018 by Jasone Anderson
Guy, after 2 years after uninstalling GO, I'm back in it....(got ALOT of catching-up to do though D:). My FC for that is on my wall + profile.
Dec 30, 2018 by Jasone Anderson