Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Crystal Glaceon (page 5)

It's a deal! You could give me another Pokemon for Azelf (it doesn't have to be shiny) but about the Milotic. It's a Feebas at the moment but I will give it a Prism Scale so when we trade it will evolve as soon as you get it. :)
I don't really know when to trade whatever time suits you. Tell me when your on chat and I will talk to you then. :)
Aug 6, 2014 by MightyMudkip
Oh I got mixed up sorry, could I have Snivy or Tepig? I don't really mind which :)
Aug 6, 2014 by MightyMudkip
Oh and I forgot, I also have Charmander and Bulbasaur :)
Aug 6, 2014 by MightyMudkip
Ok I could give you:  Mudkip, Azelf (only for a shiny), Zorua, Chespin, Fenniken, Froakie (Protean), Torchic, Milotic. Any you like? I have more if you want to hear them. :)
Aug 6, 2014 by MightyMudkip
Could I trade you something for either Tepig, Snivy, Turtwig or Piplup? I have a Treeko you could have? :)
Aug 4, 2014 by MightyMudkip
Hey, nice meeting you. I have a 6 IV Gligar with immunity which I am looking to trade for an IV bred Nincada that I can use for baton passing. So if you have one please tell me.
Aug 1, 2014 by M-Salamence08
One does not simply dislike Nintendo products without trying them first. XD What do you think?
Jul 28, 2014 by Dark_Breeder
I know! Do you like flufy birds of fluffiness and a lighter atmosphere, then you'll probably prefer Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, but if you like a little darker atmosphere, then Twilight Princess. I like both though. And also, do you have a Wii or Wii U? Since these games are "old" Only one and five years old.
Jul 27, 2014 by Dark_Breeder
I would ask you for a couple of Pokemon but my DS won't connect to Internet   DX
Jul 27, 2014 by Umbreon9519
You know what you should? You should give Legend of Zleda a shot! A very good game series and you`ll find your favorite I`m sure!
Jul 27, 2014 by Dark_Breeder