Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for DemonFlygawne (page 8)

Okay. this pad is about to go through a major redesign.

time for...

♪Come aboard, and bring alooong all your hopes and dr-//shot

So first and foremost: welcome to the Ohana[Crew]!

You might be new to this, so just to clarify: This is in fact a real idea and is intended to actually happen. Yes, I know, I'm crazy :↕
Make fun of it ALLLL you please, it's happening one way or another and is planned to happen in the next 7-9 years.


Irvin, AKA Patamon- Captain

Demon- planned navigator

[possible]Sir Mudkip- electrician, blueprint manager, sailmaking/arranging, etc.

Tad and Tenebrae (AKA Lupus/Lulu)- Lieutenant/assistant

Eponyta, AKA Eppy- Cook, kitchen manager

[maybe?] Exe- probably hunter.. maybe musician entertainment

Sapph is apparently coming.

Rules and Conditions:

All must act accordingly to these rules or face punishment (be kicked off the crew, stuff like that). Food and other resources will be looked over by the quartermaster, who will need to give constant attention to  everyone's needs. Eppy will also notify of food shortage and stuff like that.

Every crewmate must help with expenses for the adventure. Anyway, I expect all crewmen to spend some of their own money for supplies on the ship, and of course, the ship itself. These pieces of **** cost thousands and thousands of dollars. you each better have at least 5 thousand saved up for the ship.

All terms and conditions must be accepted by all crewmates. You may leave the ship whenever you like, nothing (accept the sea) and no one is stopping you.

Rule #1- Don't disobey or betray the captain
Rule #2- Be civil
Rule #3- In the highly unlikely event of us getting caught in combat, please don't abandon crewmates.
Rule #4- Don't fight
Rule #6- Don't complain. Shut yours sorry-ass up about the cupcake box you wanted- WE GOT LIMA BEANS INSTEAD, NOW SHUT THE **** UP, *****.
Rule #7- Get captain and quartermaster's permission/consent before buying stuff or "wasting" money
Rule #8- We aren't pirates, shut the **** up and put that apple back hwere you found it- on that poor civilian's food stand. GIVE THEM THAT 60 CENTS IF YOU WANT SOME DAMN APPLES
Rule #9- No smoking. YOU WANNA BURN THE WHOLE SHIP DOWN, YOU ****? Not to mention the intolerable smell.

Want a new rule? Add it in. I"ll judge it.

General Supplies/Food-
Coming soon. This will just.. have a list of all the food you can expect on the ship. BUT BE SURE TO BRING A BAG OF RICE lel
Aug 24, 2015 by Your Excellency
Why thank you! (I couldn't do this 12 hours ago becauseI  had no points)
Aug 23, 2015 by Fluffle Dragon
-hugs- such a good person
Aug 23, 2015 by kuroyoru
hello keep a secret okay
Aug 19, 2015 by kuroyoru
You're welcome! lol XD
Aug 15, 2015 by Keromatsu
If you have anything you'd like to see I can gladly demonstrate nearly any pokemon move to you! Even if I'm just a flygon!

Just leave a post and ask!
Aug 14, 2015 by DemonFlygawne
also he is litarly the god of the roleplay he created a world that everyone on there knows
Aug 12, 2015 by kuroyoru
hehe that be intresting to see
Aug 12, 2015 by kuroyoru
Aug 12, 2015 by Hellfire Taco
Why do you like flygon?
BTW does Erapidash play Minecraft?
Aug 11, 2015 by sumwun