Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Flafpert (page 7)

[21:16] +MrKijani: Hmmm
[21:16] +MrKijani: I associate you with penguins and fur hats
[21:16] +MrKijani: for some reason
[21:17] +MrKijani: and race cars
[21:17] +MrKijani: Penguin wearing a race car jacket and wearing a fur hat?
Aug 15, 2014 by Flafpert
Thanks man, I need all the luck that I need!!
Aug 5, 2014 by sheepman1306
I am going to stop talking here for awhile becasue I am striving for A's in Genreal Chemistry and Calculus I!!!!!! I am almost start at communty college prety soon. I did not realize I have some competion at the 2-year unveristy. Wish me luck!!!!
Aug 1, 2014 by sheepman1306
/fill ~10 ~55 ~-10 ~-15 ~ ~10 minecraft:air
       /fill ~2 ~2 ~-2 ~-2 1 ~2 minecraft:air 0 replace stone
       /fill ~20 ~1 ~-20 ~-20 ~-1 ~12 minecraft:air 0 replace snow_layer
      /fill ~2 ~10 ~-2 ~-2 ~-10 ~2 minecraft:farmland 7 replace grass
    /fill ~115 ~-1 ~-25 ~-115 ~-1 ~115 minecraft:ice 7 replace water
  Woodcutting 1
  /fill ~20 ~ ~-20 ~-20 ~10 ~20 minecraft:air 0 replace log
Woodcutting 2
 /fill ~115 ~-1 ~-25 ~-115 ~-1 ~115 minecraft:air 0 replace log
Jul 31, 2014 by Flafpert
Hello Flafpert, how are you been?
Jul 28, 2014 by sheepman1306
May 29, 2014 by trachy
May 23, 2014 by MrKijani
/setblock ~3 ~ ~ air
May 15, 2014 by Flafpert