Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Hexahedron (page 11)

heckin nerd
Nov 23, 2016 by Pikamaster
If Charjabug were a vehicle, what would it be?

A Voltswagen Bug.
Nov 22, 2016 by Toucanadian
By *SamieG* - 1 Minute and 36 Seconds ago.
what does a luga vature do?
Nov 17, 2016 by Flommo
8 minutes ago The ultimate mystery: is PM hot
Nov 4, 2016 by Hexahedron
2 minutes ago food is actually pretty hardcore because you're raising an organism and then one day you kill it and maybe you'll heat it with high temperatures or something and then you place it into your mouth where you smash it with several exposed parts of the skeleton before a meaty tentacle pushes it down into an acid pool where it gets converted into energy for yourself
Oct 29, 2016 by Hexahedron
You wouldnt be the first person I heard that from
Oct 28, 2016 by Pikamaster
Well i know him as a drunk old man
Oct 24, 2016 by Falc 01
Yes i do. do you?
Oct 24, 2016 by Falc 01
dave pls
Oct 23, 2016 by Falc 01