Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Hexhalem (page 8)

nvm, it looks long
Oct 30, 2021 by ~FlameTheVulpix~
sorry for my late reply i ran out of wall posts lol.      0, or 1, off, or on, false, or true, black, or white, dead, or alive, dark, or light, hate, or love, evil, or good, unconscious, or conscious, sleeping, or awake, resting, or working, idle, or busy, blind, or seeing, clueless, or enlightened, lost, or discovered, assumed, or proven, reflected, or reflecting, unsorted, or categorized, existence, or observation, past, or future, emotion, or reflection, thought, or word, miniature, or statue, everything, or something, array, or variable, candidate, or elect, many, or one, void, or planet, chaos, or order, manual, or automatic, random, or mathematical, space, or time, universe, or cosmos, galaxy, or star, moon, or sun, shadow, or ray, slow, or fast, cold, or warm, water, or fire, ice, or gas, air, or rock, sad, or happy, agony, or ecstasy, empty, or filled, ghost, or body, unclean, or purged, filthy, or cleansed, eternal, or decaying, infinite, or finite, extreme, or slight, unmeasured, or magnitude, uncreated, or created, undefined, or defined, blurry, or clear, asymetric, or symmetric, rough, or exact, loose, or tight, spectrum, or set, nuanced, or adjusted, more, or less, blasphemy, or praise, wrong, or right, sin, or righteousness, bias, or unbias, partial, or unpartial, undivided, or divided, unfocused, or focused, whole, or split, lord, or servant, God, or man, Jew, or heathen, Christian, or pagan, scorched, or guilty, say pancakes if u see this agram, or pentagram, optics, or illusion, accuracy, or distortion, deceit, or honesty, magic, or control, supernatural, or natural, motivated, or forced, serious, or unserious, energetic, or tired, left-hand, or right-hand, left, or right, harmless, or dangerous, floating, or grounded, saga, or truth, fantasy, or fact, uncorrupt, or corrupt, healed, or hurt, thoughtless, or wise, silly, or clever, irrelevant, or relevant, mild, or harsh, soft, or hard, wet, or dry, sick, or healthy, raw, or made, ingredients, or boiled, attracted, or attracting, following, or leading, sowing, or reaping, quiet, or loud, stereo, or mono, disharmony, or harmony, peace, or horror, scoped, or limitless, listening, or striking, waiting, or signalling, warn, or manouver, praying, or endowed, wishing, or granted, lacking, or acquired, howling, or praising, complaint, or thanksgiving, Halloween, or Christmas, cursed, or blessed, dissatisfied, or satisfied, displeased, or pleased, regular, or irregular, common, or rare, usual, or exceptional, mute, or voiced, censored, or allowed, bond, or free, oppression, or rebellion, accepting, or resisting, respect, or disrespect, willing, or unwilling, careful, or brave, unfruitful, or fruitful, attempt, or transcend, development, or production, trying, or succeeding, potential, or manifest, failure, it doesnt look long anymore in wall post. or proceed, still, or moving, unmastered, or mastered, degression, or progression, paused, or progressing, inbound, or outbound, inwards, or outwards, closed, or open, locked, or unlocked, secret, or known, buried, or surfaced, ciphered, or deciphered, encrypted, or decrypted, suppressed, or heard, intuition, or intellect, mourning, or laughing, sunset, or sunrise, dusk, or dawn, queen, or king, problem, or solution, below, or above, earth, or heaven, negative, or positive, electron, or proton, down, or up, powerless, or powerful, helpless, or almighty, relative, or absolute, unequal, or equal, passive, or active, Yin, or Yang, female, or male. Each dependent on the opposite to exist. All both good and evil at the same time. Each useful. Each required. Each a blessing, each a curse.
Oct 30, 2021 by ~FlameTheVulpix~
yeah im ready!
Oct 30, 2021 by neo magius
no, i didnt draw that, i painted it :)

thanks for saying its a masterpiece <33
Oct 30, 2021 by ~FlameTheVulpix~
your grav is from lol(league of legends) right?
Oct 30, 2021 by neo magius
your 24?! he?! my age is literally 13!
now you really look like a music teacher  :)
also whats that new grav? i think ive had seen it somewhere :/
Oct 30, 2021 by Chaos481
That sounds oddly specific ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oct 29, 2021 by ~Silver~
Based on my observations, psyduck is older than 13 and younger than 16 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oct 29, 2021 by ~Silver~
btw do you watch any animators?
my brother is an animator his channel is "neko bandito" he's got 1.14k subs i think

how many subs do you have?
Oct 29, 2021 by neo magius
i meant my age can be any number from 10 to 20
Oct 29, 2021 by neo magius