Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Hexhalem (page 27)

See you bud.
Jun 15, 2014 by PsychicX1
Dang, you were here. I didn't get to say bai because I lost my computer during the whole fiasco ;-;
Jun 15, 2014 by melcakes
That wasn't me :\

Sempiternus edited that in...
Jun 15, 2014 by Ninja
Dangit Hex you got me addicted to Knife Party ;-;

But this doe http://m.youtube.com/index?&desktop_uri=%2F#/watch?v=kXp6wOg6pxM
Jun 5, 2014 by Distortion Keeper
Is there a time when you usually have your server be up? I've been trying to get on for a few days, and I am not able to hit a time when it is up.

Also, I apologize for not having the common sense to check to see if your IP was banned when I unblocked your profile. I've unbanned it now, so you can be back to using the site again. :D
May 27, 2014 by trachy
ey, hexyyyyy
May 21, 2014 by Dr Dude
↓ Ahahaha :')
May 21, 2014 by Sir Dan
Indigo, shut up.
May 20, 2014 by Ninja
Mewicune and Hex are in an online relationship?
Yeah, what Ninja and Scraf said - don't date anyone online unless it's a dating site. I guess if you're older you parents won't have a problem with you doing that. xD But either way, it's pretty pointless, especially if you're dating a previous troll on this site who was banned and was obviously quite annoying. xD
May 20, 2014 by !'•-Indigo-•'!
Remember Hex, Mewicune did this same exact thing with PX.
You've been my favorite user here, helped me with so much code, and have been so nice.

So please, don't let Mewicune vitiate you.
May 20, 2014 by Le Scraf