Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Hexhalem (page 33)

Hex's Haunted House Tournament, Round 2: Your CC is: 4-5-0

Please refer to the OP for instructions of how to Apply your CC in the Teambuilder, and ask if you have any questions.
Oct 22, 2013 by Enoch.EXE
You are the 2nd Best Guy Here :D
Oct 20, 2013 by Pikamaster
Hexbro :D
Oct 20, 2013 by Distortion Keeper
Sexy Hexy! :D <3
Oct 17, 2013 by Stella Midnight
Oct 15, 2013 by Distortion Keeper
ur...so....freaking.....AWESOME!! <3
Oct 14, 2013 by Candy
Do you have any Ideas that I can buy the game Soul Silver? Do you have any contacts? Because I am trying to get one and I need help. Unless, you know someone else that they can help me for my problem?
Oct 4, 2013 by sheepman1306
Hi Hex. Can you please unban mew please? She really misses the chat. She's been sad for a while :( I miss her so can you please find a way to unban her?
Sep 30, 2013 by RedtheLEGEND
I like Gengars. Great typing,, and possesses a great Sp. Atk stat. LET THE FAIRY BUSTING BEGIN!
Sep 29, 2013 by Pahff
you remember me hex
Sep 28, 2013 by mega_garchomp_x