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Wall for Iridacea (page 60)

Oct 12, 2020 by Kookoonut TM
Thank you!
Oct 12, 2020 by -RisingManectric-
Exert from "The Story of Science: Aristotle Leads The Way" by Joy Hakim
Faith and Science- Can they get along?
Have you ever had a strong opinion that was different from your parents? I'm not talking about going somewhere your parents think you shouldn't go. I'm talking basic opinions- ideas about life in general. It's a foolish question, because of course you have. No one intelligent grows up without doing independent thinking. Developmental experts will tell you that challenging the ideas of those who came before you is a natural part of growing up...
Maturity comes if you can put it all together- the learning and experience of past generations and the questioning insights of youth. Not everyone does that successfully. Lots of people get older; only a few grow wiser.
Societies are a lot like people. Generations build on one another. Some, acting like little kids, mindlessly accept and repeat the mistakes of the past. Others, like some teenagers, rebel and destroy without much thought. And a few stride ahead with profound insights.
Which brings us to those Dark and Middle ages. They were complex times; fascinating to study. But for most people who lived through them or looked back on those years, they were like a bas adolescence- something to be blocked out, forgotten, gotten past, rejected.
It was a time when science (Human reason) and religion (faith) got mixed together with the addition of a whole lot of superstition...
...It began during the Renaissance. Learning and thinking- especially in the arts and sciences- started to break out of the straitjacket of religious control. That lead to an astonishing burst of scientific creativity and to the modern science-based world...
But does reason need to be in conflict with faith? Have we gone too far and lost our shared values? Do spiritually and Science have anything in common?
To a scientist, the brain is a collection of neurons and chemicals. But we all know it is something more than that too. What is that something else? Where can we find guidance to understand our dual nature?
Pope John II, speaking in 1999, said, "Deprived of reason, Faith has stressed feeling and experience, and so runs the risk of no longer being a universal proposition."
Deprived of faith, reason and Science often seem empty, and shallow.
Today we live with the fear that science and technology may be out of control: manipulating human life, spoiling the environment, threatening destruction, while at the same time giving us an incredible gift of leisure and affluence. Can we have it all- the moorings of profound philosophical and religious thinking and the splendors of Science and technology?
The Renaissance thinkers and most scientists that came after them didn't concern themselves with these questions. They were rebelling against the long nightmare that had kept most people ignorant of their environment and themselves. Like kids bursting out of a locked closet, the thinkers couldn't wait to discover the whole universe.
They did an amazing job of it.
Oct 12, 2020 by Iridacea
Your gravatar is cute :3
Oct 12, 2020 by A typical glance.
Your's too. Kyogre's eating a man!
Oct 12, 2020 by user74534
Oof, and yes, I would need to catch them but darn nuzlocke rules so I have to thief them
Oct 12, 2020 by Haze
? And also finally got piloswine. Just need a few heart scales and level ups to get a mamoswine
Oct 12, 2020 by Haze
I think I'm about to go insane.
Oct 12, 2020 by Iridacea
Oct 11, 2020 by Iridacea
Nothing expect axew, which I purposely sacrificed
Oct 11, 2020 by Haze