Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for MonoUmbreon (page 7)

hy amigo
Dec 24, 2014 by melcakes
K, I saw the pastebin, "Metagross sucks" isn't what was said and the lock was a minute, but I don't think what happened warranted a ban on both occasions.
Dec 22, 2014 by Ninja
Profile > Edit profile > My list style
Dec 22, 2014 by Ninja
CSSing it.
Dec 22, 2014 by Ninja
The scans are usually sundays, lately it hasn't been so.
Dec 22, 2014 by Ninja
Explain a bit more? Also yeah, I read it.
Dec 22, 2014 by Ninja
Sad to see you off the server, but I really can't deny you deserve it. God damn it, we had so much TG to talk about.
Dec 22, 2014 by Ninja
hy sexc
Dec 13, 2014 by CWegz
FortunateFool: '-' your spelling sucks, you know that
MonoUmbreon left
+Winged Dagger: *you're
FortunateFool: you are spelling sucks?
+Winged Dagger: you're spelling sux too
+Winged Dagger: ye
Dec 12, 2014 by MonoUmbreon
+Sіr_Mudkіp: So much work to do.
+Sіr_Mudkіp: So little fucks given.
Dec 1, 2014 by MonoUmbreon