Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for MonoUmbreon (page 28)

thanks for the Jirachi set Jojo :D:D:D:D
Aug 15, 2013 by Aeternis
you are a nub :3
Aug 14, 2013 by Aeternis
Hardee har, banned for a day.
Aug 13, 2013 by melcakes
I would say, go let us pick |Clamperl :)
Aug 12, 2013 by Aeternis
excuse me may i talk to you privately?
Aug 12, 2013 by ace-trainer-keon
Clamperl could be a good team member
But I would say that she should replace Misdreavus even though we will be vulnarable to fighting types, we could always criplle oppsoing Mienfoo with Murkrow and finish them off with our own Mienfoo. Happiny is only there to support her team mates just like her big sisters in the higher tiers. However we could always replace Happiny for Clamperl if you really want to :)
Aug 12, 2013 by Aeternis
Yes, I was thinking of maybe making  Happiny a special wall and a team healer, what do you think?
Aug 12, 2013 by Aeternis