Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Mosmic Dragoon (page 42)

I may not going to be here very long becasue I have to really foucs on Calculus I and General Chemistry. This semester and following semester, I must have all A's and have 3.3  GPA. Not only that try to get my ducks together  to transfer to a 4-year instuion. I have to really work hard to matin that goal. Wish me luck for the best!!!! I did not realize that it is like high school all over again to compte one of other!!!! It is crazy!!!!
Aug 5, 2014 by sheepman1306
1000 is way too much. Very few people actually give out more votes than they receive, especially on 1st / 2nd pages
Aug 4, 2014 by PX
"I have been super nice."

You know Ninja is telling the truth when he says this.
Aug 4, 2014 by Le Scraf
You need to stop spam upvoting everyone. This is your LAST warning.

I have been super nice.
Aug 4, 2014 by Ninja
Aug 4, 2014 by Aeternis
idk, ask Valet as well.
Aug 4, 2014 by Sempi
I could but imma need another 3ds
Aug 3, 2014 by - xllllllllx - (Icy)