Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Mr.Absol(Deo) (page 3)

Natures could be better, and you'd want to give them EVs (good ones too). Also not many people are going to like it if you use all ubers/legends, it also makes you look unexperienced
Jul 26, 2015 by Hexahedron
Arceus and the two deoxyses need items, at least put on leftovers or a life orb
Jul 26, 2015 by Hexahedron
Oh and are you playing in a specific tier? You have a bunch of uber Pokémon on your team
Jul 26, 2015 by Hexahedron
IVs stands for Individual Values, which every Pokémon have. There are six stats you have IVs in; HP, Attack, Defence, Special Attack, Special Defence and Speed.  In each stat, you can have 0 to 31 IVs, 31 being perfect and when paired with 252 EVs in that same stat and a boosting nature, can make the stat as high as possible for that species.
Obviously a 6IV Pokémon (a Pokémon with IVs 31/31/31/31/31/31) is good, but many times it is unnesesary. Since the destiny knot is an item that passes down 5IVs from the parents when breeding, this makes it easier as special attackers dont need good attack IVs and physical attackers wont be missing their special attack IVs. Special attackers would want to try to lower their attack IVs as much as possible though, to reduce confusion and foul play damage. Something like 31/0/31/31/31/31 would be good for most special attackers.
In the battle resort there is a guy who tells you your IVs, but he doesnt give exact numbers so you need to learn yo understand what he says,
Jul 26, 2015 by Hexahedron
It's also not a creepypasta, its a quote from the game.
Jul 26, 2015 by Hellfire Taco
Idk, I'm not into competitive
Jul 26, 2015 by Hellfire Taco
Actually none of my shinies are uft rn, i think I just got scammed so I'm trying to keep the few competitive mons I have left :L Sorry!
Jul 26, 2015 by Hexahedron
Jul 25, 2015 by ray
'~' reality has been keeping me off of interwebz a lot, my bad
Jun 27, 2015 by DemonFlygawne
:000 Dude guess what
Gurkins :0000
Jun 24, 2015 by LeafeonLol>:D