Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for PX (page 73)

Wait wut
Wat did I send you?
Nov 20, 2014 by Poke'slash
5 Nights at Freddy or whatever e_o
I h8 it
/me fleez
Nov 3, 2014 by Sempi
That g-tar is... Why does it remind me of Gluttony?
Nov 2, 2014 by Poke'slash
Dude I have so much to talk to you about
Nov 2, 2014 by Poke'slash
I managed to fix some problems, but it's still not great. Sorry guys ;~;.
Nov 1, 2014 by PX
My computer is almost 100% dead, it's crashing almost every day. So my activity will depend on how my PC's attitude is that day o3o.
Oct 30, 2014 by PX
That's really cool! I'm good with computer's and have made a few games b4.
Oct 29, 2014 by PZ15
If you want links to them I can send you them too :P
Oct 28, 2014 by PZ15
Kraven Manor, Haunt, Stairs, Vapor, Insanity and 7 days.  All FREE and VERY good horror games.  My personal favorite is Kraven Manor ;)
Oct 28, 2014 by PZ15
lol rush aren't new.  They are from the 80's.  Do u like horror games? I play a lot and could give you a few good ones ;)
Oct 28, 2014 by PZ15