Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for PsychicX1 (page 10)

It's Bloons Monkey City btw
Aug 3, 2015 by Mosmic Dragoon

You'll like it... I think
Aug 3, 2015 by Mosmic Dragoon
Hey bud have you watched Akame Ga Kill
Aug 2, 2015 by Jordan_9
I thought I did that a long time ago >.>
Aug 1, 2015 by Sempi

it's the best Xbox360 game in existence!
I had it for several months, but I never even noticed until a week ago. it was a "Free Game With Gold" back in like July of 2014 or something.
Jul 31, 2015 by Your Excellency
So mike
How you been?
I havent seen u in a while
Talk to me on server sometime

Teambuild with mee
Any tier bar NU is fine tbh
So stop being busy with other stuff
Turn your attention to me
Even if i trigger u :(

(P.S. Read the first letter of each line)
Jul 31, 2015 by Lusty
Jul 29, 2015 by Sophisticles

I have traveled 4 days to the past! Or.. you just deleted wall posts.

Anyway do you play battleblock theatre?
Jul 29, 2015 by Your Excellency
If Metagross is the tru Bulletproof Mon why does Chesnaught Have Bullet Proof and not hm :v?
Jul 25, 2015 by Luscinia
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Use the binary translator

You can thank me later o3o
Jul 24, 2015 by Mosmic Dragoon