Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Qwerty_Zoom (page 4)

Holy heck you're right O.o
May 14, 2016 by Toucanadian
'Best' is the first. Kingdom Hearts 2 is my favorite. Both are far far better than the Ds games. More fluid combat system, better stories and more memorable fights.
May 14, 2016 by PX
FMA: B is a masterpiece, and I  understand why your interest is dropping. Just don't feel pressured in anyway to return, just chillax and enjoy life.

~ TheUltimateSensei
May 14, 2016 by Rick Gastly
I ain't making any excuses for my absence here, its really just my shifting tastes. Pokemon isn't what it was to me anymore, so don't expect me to frequent here. I've had my fun times here ;3

Well that was depressing. Cya when I log in next, I guess.
May 14, 2016 by Qwerty_Zoom
i was PKMN Trainer 151.1
you probably dont remember me i am just a stalker o.o
May 8, 2016 by Lady Sylbreon 151.1
So, did you get round to watching AoT? The series is about to end in the manga (The last chapter is called END). Although maybe Natsu took a trip to the AoT world.
May 4, 2016 by Rick Gastly
Played every game. My favourite game series ever.

Also just because someone says its Sora doesn't mean I can't say it's Roxas. Roxas is OP bae.
May 1, 2016 by PX
Yeah it's pretty good. Good luck on your exams buddy!
Apr 30, 2016 by Rick Gastly
His face was too defined, he had the white on black clothing colour scheme and had dual dark and light keyblades.


I mean I guess it could have been final form sora.
Apr 29, 2016 by PX
*Evil Ultear smile*

Just kidding lol, it's purty gurd. Maybe you could make it your avatar? That would be awesome
Apr 29, 2016 by Rick Gastly