About me:
playthrough teams;
Ultra Moon: Kurahashi the Tsareena, Neko the Hariyama, Popsicle the Primarina, Okuda the Alolan Muk, mudsdale (forgot to nickname it and never thought of one) Charles the FRAUD uh um I mean alolan raichu,
Scarlet: Tera steel falinks, tera fighting polteageist, tera grass florges, skeledirge, flapple and mabosstiff
Teal mask: Ribombee, Crawdaunt, Kommo-o, Yanmega the early riser, Tera Water Sinistcha and a Gligar i forgot to evolve and never used in battle
Indigo Disk: Tera Normal Flygon, Golurk, Metagross, Comfey, the Sleepy, Tera Water Alolan Ninetales and Meowstic
PLA: Hisuian decidueye, shiny staraptor (im goated like that), driftblim, gastrodon (replaced by hisuian samurott during the postgame) sneasler and porygon z
I might get sword but the games are kinda ass and £50 buckaroonies for the dlc and a second hand copy of sword just isnt worth it for shiny cresselia
"Whosh a good puppy? Yesh you are!" - Unnammed team star grunt
"I'm a bit suprised you didn't put the bread on top. Is that a paldean thing?" - Crispin
"Eeeeee! I can see both of his little eyes! Oh, just look at him! that big, ferocious face-those cute, round eyes... I'm not sure whether to cower in fear or pat him on his adorable baby head! He's not just complete, he's perfect!" - Loone, TOTK