Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Tad (page 2)

Classy's an ass anyways.... god-darn English retard hates sweet tea...

Then you have MrCloud, who's also a lesbian, and I swear, she's the most annoying person in the world, more than dia to me.
Jun 11, 2015 by Dongus
Don't bring it up and I won't either. But it's a kick to the nuts for me each time I see it, and ignorance is bliss. Don't ask, Don't tell, the giant won't be awoken.
Jun 10, 2015 by Dongus
God only shows his work fully to those who believe in him.

He makes sinners atone for their for sin when they die, until the date when the rapture will occur. I cannot simply explain this all because the ways of god do not make moral, ethical, human sense. If I knew the ways of god, I still could not explain them to any human being. God proves himself in ways that atheists see as minute and irrelevant, but to Christians, they are powerful.

I'd request that you'd stop, but opposition only reinforces my beliefs, so fire away.
Jun 5, 2015 by Dongus
Now reading over your post again, you're saying that since god allowed diseases into our world, he is somehow worse than the people in the red cross? Let me explain something to your pea-brained skull.

God is the almighty and righteous alpha and omega and is the example of everything good and nothing bad. The bad is known as sin, and ever since our first ancestor's sin in the garden of eden, we have been sinning endlessly. Sin is anything said, thought, or done against god's law, which can be as little as taking a dollar from someone's wallet  without their permission or cursing in your own home, to committing genocide and murdering millions of people. God doesn't see sin as a "lesser sin" and "larger sin", he sees all sin as a disgrace against him, a Holy, sovereign god.

God is not lovey-dovey, unlike the sayings of some churches. He must not only answer the cries of repentance from sinners, but punish the unrepentant sinners as well. His fury is just as powerful as his grace, and he must punish sin to be himself. If he didn't punish sin, the world would fall to the devil, Lucifer, and we would all be condemned to hell for eternity.

The people in the red cross aren't holy, and I bet they think about, say, or do things that are against god. Now, I expect you to fire back guns-o'-blazing, so don't think I'm not ready for it.
Jun 4, 2015 by Dongus
you really should retaliate for that slap I gave you
Jun 4, 2015 by a creepy stalker
Ok, you made no sense. Besides, there are many human made or caused diseases throughout the world (ever heard of STDs?) that run rampant, and the red cross is useless.
Jun 4, 2015 by Dongus
God's the only hope I've got left in this world. Technology disappoints, humans are horrible beings, animals are too dumb to understand, and Hell's a damnation I don't want to face.
Jun 4, 2015 by Dongus
I doubt I'd need to tell you, since you'd brush it off like I was crazy.
Jun 3, 2015 by Dongus
Awwwwwwww <3<3<3
May 23, 2015 by Luscinia
I need your answer to my question. This is about breeding shinies.
How many eggs did it take you to hatch a shiny during your longest breeding project?
Please post your answer on my wall.
May 23, 2015 by ovikdas739