Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Thunder Clapper (page 20)

According to poor PaulyU, at the end of Super Metroid the jellyfish will help you.
Aug 25, 2018 by ♥~Morpekochu~♥
Yw. Also, y cant metroid crawl?
Aug 25, 2018 by ♥~Morpekochu~♥
Aug 25, 2018 by Syl ™
Wow? You drew that? That's awesome! Sometimes I wish I can draw as good as you or SYL. Either way, it's a pretty cool grav. Nice job on it.
Aug 25, 2018 by ♥~Morpekochu~♥
Your move-set answers are major copies of mine. Clapour.
Aug 25, 2018 by Azelfeo
Woah! Your gravatar looks great! Did you draw it on your own?
Aug 25, 2018 by Syl ™
Did you draw that? Pretty good!
Aug 25, 2018 by WhoGotzDaFud
Aug 25, 2018 by Azelfeo
It took up an unnecessary amount of space and, because the answer was short, it didn't really look that great on the answer.
Aug 25, 2018 by Hellfire Taco