Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for m o o m i n (page 2)

:0 what?
Sep 25, 2020 by Haze
Sep 25, 2020 by BottomlessSea
Sep 25, 2020 by m o o m i n
"In the land of floating miracle tomatoes, I dashed around Dirty Rag Lane, muttering: "I need to learn the Monitor Explosion dance." And suddenly, a decapitated table leg appeared, and said: "Ur a looser." And I went: "Not even the Rice Feet can stop me, nor the Doorknob Blankets or the GameCube Cheeses." And with that, the table leg disappeared, taking its non-existent decapitated head with it. And so I practiced the Monitor Explosion with trees made of potato chips and fell into a pizza coma. And in my state of slumber, I waded through giant pizzas and murdered earhole corns. With my mighty blade of rusted toilets, I fought day and night to exterminate the evil Super Duper Magical Insane Mouse Donut Holes. And when I awoke, I did the Monitor Explosion to the tune of Beautiful Crab Faces in the magical land of Fruit Stems. But before I could even stop the music, a Crazy Bathtub Plunger approached me and said: "You shall spend eternity in the land of Rotting Pant Legs!" And so I was teleported to the land of Rotting Pant Legs, and knew I needed to escape before the Cheese Goombas struck 14. I ran through the land of Eyeballed Fingernails and the land of Fat Miracle Sandwiches in order to escape. Then I saw it: the Poopy Dance Toe portal. I leapt through it and arrived in my old world once more. I then opened my eyes and was bored because I was in reality again." -Glazio in Wonderland, written by Glazio Kawaii
Sep 24, 2020 by Gau
Cuthbert England had always loved quiet Shanghai with its uncooked, unsteady umbrellas. It was a place where he felt jumpy.

He was a smelly, selfish, whiskey drinker with scrawny arms and solid arms. His friends saw him as an evil, eggy elephant. Once, he had even saved a straight baby bird that was stuck in a drain. That's the sort of man he was.

Cuthbert walked over to the window and reflected on his creepy surroundings. The clouds danced like sleeping maggots.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Molly Vader. Molly was a deranged wally with pointy arms and charming arms.

Cuthbert gulped. He was not prepared for Molly.

As Cuthbert stepped outside and Molly came closer, he could see the annoying smile on her face.

"Look Cuthbert," growled Molly, with a special glare that reminded Cuthbert of deranged owls. "It's not that I don't love you, but I want some more Facebook friends. You owe me 1119 gold pieces."

Cuthbert looked back, even more delighted and still fingering the crumpled record. "Molly, I love you," he replied.

They looked at each other with delighted feelings, like two eager, empty elephants rampaging at a very proud birthday party, which had indie music playing in the background and two smart uncles loving to the beat.

Cuthbert regarded Molly's pointy arms and charming arms. "I don't have the funds ..." he lied.

Molly glared. "Do you want me to shove that crumpled record where the sun don't shine?"

Cuthbert promptly remembered his smelly and selfish values. "Actually, I do have the funds," he admitted. He reached into his pockets. "Here's what I owe you."

Molly looked ambivalent, her wallet blushing like a rainy, ratty rock.

Then Molly came inside for a nice glass of whiskey.

Sep 19, 2020 by JaJaDingDong
i am annoyed
niwlet mtc2hj
44Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries
Sep 16, 2020 by m o o m i n
Sep 14, 2020 by y-chai
Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries
Sep 14, 2020 by m o o m i n
Sep 14, 2020 by m o o m i n
I must submit one of my quotes to your wall :3

"wou if cou i hink im eing rushed? Oh! You need to pee and someone's rushing you to feed the hink cow!" -Me
Sep 14, 2020 by y-chai