Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for trachy (page 12)

Hey Trachy, in your honest opinion, do you think Blue is supported well in comparison to the other four colours? I personally think with the release of Ixalan that they have honest gotten some pretty nice support but basically everyone who goes to the same "game store" as I do basically complain about Blue being meh so I thought I'd get your opinion
Oct 19, 2017 by Lorna Shore
So I feel I have solid basis to build a neat Dinosaur deck after buying ten Ixalan packs and getting a playset of Ripjaw Raptor and some other neat stuff which I can't remember off the top of my head, so I suppose my first proper build will be a Green, White, Red Dinosaur themed deck
Oct 4, 2017 by Lorna Shore
trachy can u go here? http://pokemondatabase.psim.us/
Sep 21, 2017 by melcakes
Went to see the IT 'reboot', if you will, and as someone who's only seen the TV mini-series, I found myself liking Tim Curry's Pennywise a lot better then Bill Skarsgaard's due to pure reasoning of the personality that Tim brought to Pennywise. Bill's Pennywise just seemed like a generic "Killer Clown" where as the original, he seemed like he was truly sadistic and he genuinely found enjoyment outta the loser's club's fear.
Sep 21, 2017 by Lorna Shore
trachy u never answer me what the h dude http://pokemondatabase.psim.us/
Sep 21, 2017 by melcakes
Typhlosion: Flamethrower, Thunderpunch, Iron Tail, Cut
Ampharos: Thunderpunch, Fire Punch, Dynamicpunch, Flash
Slowbro: Surf, Psychic, Fire Blast, Thunder Wave
Nidoking: Earthquake, Ice Punch, Thunderpunch, Strength
Dragonite: Outrage, Wing Attack, Waterfall, Thunder
Fearow: Fly, Drill Peck, Return, Steel Wing
Sep 19, 2017 by trachy
Finally gotta chance to have a look at the Draconic Domination commander deck as my older brother bought it to try and get into MtG/Commander and as cool as the artworks on the cards themselves are I can't ignore the glaring mana problem with it. 5 color is already seems really hard to manage mana wise and from what I can remember from the quick skim over I did of the deck a lot of the cards are pretty high cost so it honestly doesn't seem worth it
Sep 19, 2017 by Lorna Shore
One of the major things which got me into playing magic was the appeal that they had a Vampire Deck that I could start off with (I have an unnatural obsession with Vampires) and the fact that most people at the store said it was viable but on a side note I find it hilarious that my local store has 100% banned Blue Control in all formats I'm not too familiar with it so I'm curious whether it really is that bad
Sep 13, 2017 by Lorna Shore
Thanks for the Decklist, man. I saw quite a few guys running Metalwork Colossus Artifacts in Commander at my local store, as an intro to MtG I was recommended the Vampiric Bloodlust commander deck and so far have enjoyed using that.
Sep 13, 2017 by Lorna Shore