Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for trachy (page 33)

Every scalper in the known universe, i meant to type scalping*
Jan 17, 2015 by melcakes
PCGamer has updated its policies on disclosing relationships following a recent scandal that GamerGate uncovered regarding a relationship between a journalist and someone working for PR at Ubisoft. I'm still not a huge fan of PCGamer, but that's more to do with some pretty weak articles rather than ethical concerns now. Kudos to PCGamer, and may they make sure to act on these changes from now until the end.
Jan 17, 2015 by trachy
Mmk well get GamerGate to stop this scalper ******** kthx
Jan 16, 2015 by melcakes
ABC's Nightline is censoring comments on their GamerGate video. Their video has received around 95% dislikes, and the top seven comments prior to their deletion had more upvotes than the video. Mainstream media everybody! Corrupt and showing that they care not about factual reporting!
Jan 16, 2015 by trachy
I don't think I called trachy the leader of GamerGate, but mmk mudkip.
Jan 16, 2015 by melcakes
yeah trachy can stop scalpers because he leads gamergate.
Jan 16, 2015 by Sir_Mudkip
imo get gamergate and what not to stop scalping and what not
Jan 16, 2015 by melcakes
Hail to the Glorious PC Master Race! Hail Gaben, our Lord and Savior!
Jan 15, 2015 by trachy
Jan 10, 2015 by the_netts
Clariel just came out. Reminder to self get it.
Jan 10, 2015 by trachy