Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for trachy (page 36)

Got a foil Wooded Foothills at Magic tonight. It is currently worth $50, although when it rotates out I expect it to be anywhere from $75 to $150.
Oct 25, 2014 by trachy
8-player Smash.
Which is awesome, because I happen to have eight controllers that work with the Wii U (or will once the GC adapter is released).
Oct 24, 2014 by trachy
The news today is just full of stupid.
Autopsy supports the claims of the cop who shot Michael Brown in Ferguson. This is why we wait for the police to do their job rather than riot just because the guy is black.
The southern part of Florida wants to become the 51st state. Hopefully they'll be laughed at in Congress.
Simpsons is being sued for parody and inspiration.
And GamerGate is still having those hilarious moments, with the funniest of today being the anti-GG side trying to stop the charity drive that GamerGate has going for Unicef.
Oct 23, 2014 by trachy
Police Squad, a fantastic show cancelled far too soon.
Oct 23, 2014 by trachy
You are the first person I see playing Halo 3 and Super Mario Sunshine!
Played the second one when I was 3 and halo 3 too many t imes.
Oct 22, 2014 by a creepy stalker
That is just sad. I can try :
Oct 22, 2014 by a creepy stalker
Please sign this petition: http://www.petitionhub.org/Maximum-Penalty-for-Leo-A-Napoulos-For-Abusing-A-8-week-old-Kitten-Help-Fritz-Get-Justice-t-529%0A#Iowa

Horrible animal abuse perpetrated by a monster. It made me cry to read about this.
Oct 20, 2014 by trachy
Just watched Edge of Tomorrow. Ending spoilers follow below.

I thought it was an excellent movie, combining elements of Groundhogs Day into an Earth is invaded by aliens scenario. And it do so excellently. In fact, this is probably the best aliens invade Earth movie since Independence Day (District 9 doesn't count, not an invasion).

The only problem I had with the movie was the ending. They had the chance to make the movie really great by having it so that at the last restart, the war is still going on against the aliens. Cage's actions would have meant nothing, nothing would have changed, humanity is doomed and in that final scene, we realize that there is no chance of saving it. Also acceptable would've been that they stayed dead at the end. But it was still a great movie despite this minor fault. And hey, if I thought a bad ending makes a work bad, then I wouldn't like Stephen King .
Oct 19, 2014 by trachy
Lol, Sociology teacher tried to trick me by assigning an article on the Nacirema culture. I suspected instantly that it would be regarding us, not some Native American tribe. Way too easy a plot twist for a guy who reads as much as I do.

We need more plot twists on the level of KOTOR. Now that was a damn fine plot twist.
Oct 19, 2014 by trachy
Damn, GamerGate just raised over $10000 for Pacer Center, which is an organization looking to prevent bullying. All this after a writer for Gawker said that nerds and gamers should be bullied.
Oct 17, 2014 by trachy