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Wall for ^.^ (page 2)

Jul 4, 2015 by Poke-Potato
Lol I have a couple of friends like that too
Jul 4, 2015 by Poke-Potato
Oh thank you it was fun :D we have this rival school and they were boasting that they were better and actually they were just loud and obnoxious.
Jul 4, 2015 by Poke-Potato
Happy 4th of July to you too! :D
I've had this Marvel marathon so technically since we're finishing it up today, that's like a party for me also were setting off fireworks and watching a fireworks  show on my friends roof haha and  with a bonfire.
Also I'm in a parade today, marching with my schools band (like actual marching it's kinda awesome for me at least lol)
Jul 4, 2015 by Poke-Potato
You're welcome :0 (I didn't expect a like thank you haha)
so how goes life? (:D?)
Jul 4, 2015 by Poke-Potato
Hi (>^~^<)
(I'm bored, and decided to spruce up this wall xp)
Jul 4, 2015 by Poke-Potato