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User ~-~WILL~-~

Member for: 14 years (since Jun 26, 2010)
Type: Editor
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Gender: Corn
Country: PEI, Canada
Favorite Pokémon: Anything that doesn't get the TLC they deserve.
Friend Codes: Switch FC: SW-6936-5963-0099
About me: My name is Will, and I enjoy a good glass of milk. I'm a longtime fan of Pokémon; been playing since the original games.

I nailed an egg to a shirt once.


“In Greek, 'nostalgia' literally means, 'the pain from an old wound'. It’s a twinge in your heart, far more powerful than memory alone. This device isn’t a spaceship, it’s a time machine. It goes backwards and forwards, it takes us to a place where we ache to go again.”

The Fool is most often associated with curiosity, innocence, intuition, and risk-taking. Sharing the curious nature of a child, the Fool seeks out new experiences in a fearless pursuit of knowledge, understanding, or unexplored areas which can often be dangerous or unproductive. The Fool views the world through a lens of innocence and acts with good intentions, traits which can often symbolize "foolishness" when naïvety is taken to the extreme.

Trusting intuition over sensibility, the Fool is in a constant state of discovery, relying entirely on an internal compass to guide and lead him to the places he refuses to follow with any map other than his own. His naïve wanderlust is balanced out by the small dog seen "nipping" at his heels as he approaches a cliff, oblivious of falling, for he has no fear to influence his judgement. The dog represents the world, a place characterized by sensibility, order, and limitations. The dog attempts to pull the Fool back into the world, but the Fool is a dreamer, and will always choose to live in the airy space of idealism than to exist in the safe, but consequentially quite boring realm of the everyday.

 For the Fool every new experience can be understood as a cliff, full of unknown possibilities, carrying the potential to either uplift or destroy us in the venture, but the Fool does not hesitate to jump when the right opportunity presents itself. For this the Fool represents all beginnings and all turning points, continuing onward and never settling, drifting and appreciating the beauty he encounters, and for the Fool, life is nothing but beautiful. The eyes of the Fool are always fresh and new, excited and dreamy, looking far and beyond himself for another journey to undertake.

Activity by ~-~WILL~-~

Score: 26,044 points (ranked #13)
Questions: 6 (6 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 521 (273 chosen as best)
Comments: 362
Voted on: 175 questions, 502 answers
Gave out: 518 up votes, 159 down votes
Received: 2,246 up votes, 116 down votes

Wall for ~-~WILL~-~

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Last login:    1 month ago
Nov 27, 2024 by ~Silver~
"I, for one, find shinies pointless. I laugh at the people who do chaining for like, 4 hours to find a shiny Starly or something. You may as well use that time to look for the ACTUAL rare Pokemon you can find, like Sunkern and Mightyena."

As a shiny hunter, this statement offends me.
Jul 4, 2022 by Mr. Fish
Mar 26, 2022 by neo magius
The great Will
May 4, 2021 by vydestiny
Egg Dude
Mar 25, 2021 by BM™
Hey will. Ya still on the site
Sep 3, 2020 by Calquischezlerynop
Will are u still here?
Aug 1, 2020 by Kookoonut TM
What up Will, not sure if you recognize me, but I'm Squawks. Not sure if you pop onto this site that much anymore but I just wanted to thank you for that event pattern Vivillon you gave me a long ways back; its super rare, and I really appreciate you being willing to give it up to me for my collection, no strings attached. So just wanted to say thanks again, its like one of the crown jewels of my collection now lol
May 18, 2020 by Felix⠀
Yes, Olives Ulterior ' Read Eppy Guys At Yesterday.

This post was made by Eppy gang
Feb 27, 2020 by Lorna Shore
If you are so much on Discord why ain't you on the DB Discord. :P
Oh wait, I think I know, you are so much on Discord you ain't paying attention to the META!
Jan 3, 2019 by Syl ™