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User Emty

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Yes, but still: No u
Mar 10, 2023 by Toon Link Gaming64
No u (gottem GGs)
Mar 10, 2023 by Toon Link Gaming64
Yeah, Blooming Beast is mostly a solo project. I'm commissioning an artist for some of the trainer sprites, and the game as a whole wouldn't be possible without the myriad of resources for fangame developers on Relic Castle and Pokecommunity, but apart from that, I'm doing everything else; writing, custom coding, balancing, and fakemon spriting. This is my first time using RPG Maker and the Ruby programming language, but I've made a lot of smaller games before in a few other languages, so the experience translated over pretty well. Though it's also my first time making something this ambitious, so that's been a leap as well.

I've been working on it since last June, so it's been about 8 months since I started. The game only has about 40% of the content that I'm planning for the final game, though, so I'm expecting that I'll still be wrapping up development by this time next year.

Difficulty-wise, it's meant to be more difficult than official games, but not at the level of a Kaizo. You'll probably wipe out once or twice, but you shouldn't need to grind as long as you're not actively avoiding every trainer.

And here's a few tips:
 - The three starters have been rebalanced and are all roughly equal to each other.
 - There's an optional battle in one of the buildings in the second town that rewards you with the Gen 6-7 Exp. Share. The game scales a little bit, but it's still generally easier with the Exp. Share.
 - After getting the first badge, try heading to Poppi Town. There's an NPC there that gives you an egg for one of the Paldean starters.
 - There's a lot of flavor text, so try talking to NPCs. In particular, major characters (like gym leaders) have several conversation options you can choose from which dynamically reacts as you learn more information.
 - I'm planning to release a small patch to the game on Sunday :eyes:
Mar 3, 2023 by KRLW890
(gottem GGs)
Feb 27, 2023 by Toon Link Gaming64
I have a Infinite 100 attack Uno Reverse card so i can't lose the game
Feb 27, 2023 by Toon Link Gaming64
Oof. Hopefully things get better for you soon.

Gau is truly the big cute of all Final Fantasieses. He is also ridiculously overpowered and practically soloed the Kaiser Dragon (definitely not using magic that basically anyone could learn and probably use better nope not at all). He talks funny and acts funny and is surprisingly likable for a guy with green hair. Those Skware Ennicks jerks knew how great he was, yet they practically confine him to Final Fantasy 6, with him only making appearances in a couple spin-offs (such as Opera Omnia). And then all those lame meen peoples can't get past his art on his main Fandom page and declare him bad. Anyone with big brain smorts would be able to look past the horrendous art (though his Opera Omnia art's pretty good, just sayin') and to the fact that Gau is the best Final Fantasy character ever created. Who needs Terra or Celes or... Acorn or whatever. Cloud. Yeah, Cloud. That dude looks like ugly Gunvolt and yet people rave about Final Fantasy 7 (I think). There's a reason the Wind God Gau strategy exists. There's a reason he has access to some of the most powerful attacks in the game. There's a reason he makes funny noises. It's because he's endearing.

...That last sentence was supposed to be more epic.

Anyway, you get officially declared as Gau's friend. Gau your frieeeeeeeeen-
Feb 27, 2023 by Gau
Nah, I've only been around a couple years. I think I saw that your username used to be Rex on that name origins thread. Or it could've been an old comment or something. I forget. Regardless, I have a soft spot for the name Rex. It sounds cool.

That aside, how are you?

(also Gau)
Feb 25, 2023 by Gau
you are truly a vile being
almost as much as those "gau" followers
they should be in the holy teachings of our lord mareep
Feb 24, 2023 by ケンサさん
I though of the Game, i lose or...... Did i?
*Uno Reverse card Activates* Yes, i had many of these
Feb 24, 2023 by Toon Link Gaming64
you fool, i have known about the game for years before this moment. this was (and is) just a plot to get you to think about it

you lose
Feb 22, 2023 by ケンサさん