PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User Flowey the Flower

Member for: 8 years (since Feb 4, 2016)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Posting on user walls
Gender: I'm a FLOWER.
Favorite Pokémon: Absol
Friend Codes: My friend's Nintendo 3DS friend code is 3883-6265-8993, but it's not mine.
About me: Howdy! I'm Flowey. Flowey the flower! Ilike to share my "love" through little white "friendliness pellets"!

Activity by Flowey the Flower

Score: 38 points (ranked #3,301)
Questions: 4 (4 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 1
Comments: 0
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 1 up vote, 0 down votes

Wall for Flowey the Flower

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Yo, off the record, if you want to record older Pokemon games you can download a ROM and emulator and play them on PC, and use a free screen capture software (which you can easily find just by searching google). If you own the original game anyway it's legal and fine, plus there's a 3DS emulator being made soon, and again if you own the game you want to play anyway it's fine to use.
May 6, 2016 by PX
Hi, Flowey, No soul4um8
Mar 22, 2016 by Pikarilla
welcome m9
Feb 11, 2016 by a creepy stalker
Welcome to the site!
Feb 11, 2016 by Keromatsu
omg undertale people
Feb 8, 2016 by Hexahedron
Hello! Welcome to the DB, a place of joy and Pokémon. We also have our fair share of Undertale trash ;) Your name is the best.
Feb 8, 2016 by Toucanadian
Welcome! (Whispers "I love your name".)
Feb 8, 2016 by Ruby Furret