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User KingArcanine

Member for: 10 years (since Feb 3, 2015)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
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Posting on user walls
Gender: Male
Country: United States of America
Favorite Pokémon: Arcanine, Klinklang, Talonflame, Hydreigon, Weavile
Friend Codes: 3DS:4742 - 6774 - 8652
About me: Hey! I'm a 19 y/o college student that likes to play pokemon in my free time.

I don't really come on here much anymore except to look at stats, etc. but I do check in every once in a while if you'd like to leave anything on my wall!

Fun fact: I've played every generation so far other than gens 2 and 3 (will get to 3 at some point, will probably avoid 2), started with gen 5 and then moved up and down as the years went along. I currently and/or have played Red, Platinum, Heartgold, White, Black 2, XY, ORAS, Moon, Ultra Sun, Sword, and some of Shield. From a story standpoint I probably enjoyed gen 5 the most after replaying it (personally hate gen 7) and from a competitive standpoint enjoyed gen 6 the most (gale wings Talonflame goes brrr).

Activity by KingArcanine

Score: 64 points (ranked #1,779)
Questions: 14 (12 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 3 (1 chosen as best)
Comments: 29
Voted on: 4 questions, 73 answers
Gave out: 77 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 2 up votes, 2 down votes

Wall for KingArcanine

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That's kinda like saying 'whats it like living as a male' - it's just living life as a penguin, ya know? Once you reject the penguin stereotypes that society constantly reinforces, you kinda just do your own thing.
Sep 28, 2017 by !'•-Indigo-•'!
Thanks for contacting me, I left a comment on your post explaining things. I am fine with the post you made, though there are some similar types of questions that I would take down. https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/283701/?show=283763#c283763
Hopefully this all makes sense.
Jun 11, 2017 by Fizz
Dark ghost is pretty subpar actually. It's offensive utility is wasted because Dark and Ghost hit pretty much the same things super effectively, and then defensive utility is good due to having only one weakness and some immunities.  However, that one weakness is the ever present fairy type, which is a big problem obvsly. When I said ghost fighting was a godly typing, I was referring to its offensive coverage. Ghost and fighting are both very good offensive typings by themselves and together they compliment each other extremely well, providing very few mons that can actually resist(ghost dark actually being one lol).  You shouldn't be comparing ghost dark's defensive utility to ghost fighting's offensive utility, and even if you do, me and most competitive players would agree the ghost fighting is in a tier above ghost dark
Jan 9, 2017 by Generekt
Jun 15, 2015 by CinccinoMaster8080
Finally added you dude!
I won't be on for a couple of days, but as soon as I will, we should battle! :)
Feb 20, 2015 by Torym
No problem!! ;3
Feb 5, 2015 by Flommo
Feb 4, 2015 by Silverdragon :D
Welcome to DB! :D I hope you find it awesome xD
Feb 4, 2015 by LeafeonLol>:D
Welcome Buddy! Thanks for answering my question btw!
Let me know if you have a JOLLY one tho, so we can trade ;)
Feb 4, 2015 by Torym
Welcome to the site !
Feb 3, 2015 by Silverdragon :D