PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for PokeWrangler (page 2)

Feb 12 by Zyla™️
You don't need to! I just wanna help my friend :)
Feb 8 by Zyla™️
All of them
Feb 8 by PokeWrangler
What pokemon are you wrangling
Feb 8 by BM™
I don't know what time 2am GMT is for you, but we're having a big party, we dubbed it Chag. You should be there.
Feb 7 by NobleOnion
Feb 7 by PokeWrangler
You got over 30 points, that's why
Feb 7 by J™
I can magically post now
Feb 7 by PokeWrangler
Awww, I'll post on your Wall if it makes you happy!
Feb 7 by Zyla™️
Congrats with the Shinies!
Jan 6 by Zyla™️