PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for PokeWrangler (page 2)

What pokemon are you wrangling
Feb 8 by BM™
I don't know what time 2am GMT is for you, but we're having a big party, we dubbed it Chag. You should be there.
Feb 7 by NobleOnion
Feb 7 by PokeWrangler
You got over 30 points, that's why
Feb 7 by J™
I can magically post now
Feb 7 by PokeWrangler
Awww, I'll post on your Wall if it makes you happy!
Feb 7 by Zyla™️
Congrats with the Shinies!
Jan 6 by Zyla™️
(about Centiskorch) People are just teasing you, don't let it get to you. Plus they are nice. It's just the DB folk around here.
Oct 10, 2023 by CinderClod
MINECRAFT!!! Also welcome!
Sep 11, 2023 by Anchor9