PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Senjumommy Senpai (page 1)

Feb 3, 2023 by Mr. Fish
"The only ones that come to mind immediately are Lucario and Galladevoir"

"It was stubborn with getting in the ball, but I caught it and named it Galladevoir."

Coincidence? I think not!
Feb 1, 2023 by Mr. Fish
yeah fr if you earthquaked i would have just lost to lele clicking moonblast, crazy how this game is sometimes
Nov 15, 2022 by PsyKlone
lmao thats funny, you couldn’t talk on showdown and I couldn’t talk on pokebase. GG tho for real, you got me with Future Sight and Garchomp and I had to bet it all on that Ice Beam.
Nov 14, 2022 by PsyKlone
Ok, try to be on tomorrow at around 22:25, I can only play until 23:03 if it all
Nov 13, 2022 by PsyKlone
ok just a heads up i havent slept yet so i probably wont be able to wake up on time to battle 22:00. any other times that would work?
Nov 13, 2022 by PsyKlone
Aight grind finals time. I can try to wake up at 9AM (22:00 your time) tomorrow but if I oversleep I can go as late as 10PM (11:00) any day. Also I *might* have time from 22:20-23:00 on Monday-Friday cuz it’s a chill class. But if that doesn’t work out I can stay up later on Friday night or set an alarm for Saturday morning.
Nov 12, 2022 by PsyKlone
I'm sorry I missed you last night. I'll be idling on Showdown! from now until 3PM your time. Feel free to send a challenge @ user Trippy Soup
Nov 9, 2022 by Staka~
I'll try to be on around 12 am to 2 am your time tomorrow. If that doesn't work, I get home from work around 2-3pm in your time zone, so if you could check your wall around then I'll send you a message saying I am on Showdown! :P
Nov 8, 2022 by Staka~
If you're able to be on now or within the next 30 minutes or so, I'll be on. Otherwise, I am unavailable tomorrow, and Monday around 12 PM to 2 PM EST, as daylight savings changes times tomorrow. :P
Nov 5, 2022 by Staka~