PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User Spheal

Member for: 4 years (since Sep 29, 2020)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
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Posting on user walls
Gender: Male
Favorite Pokémon: 0. Rock Smash Lugia 1. Gallade 2. Spheal 3. Politoed 4. Piplup 5. Goodra 6. Sawsbuck 7. Blaziken 8. Ribombee 9. Alolan Ninetales
Friend Codes: ROCK SMASH LUGIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3DS=  2380-8370-8508
Showdown Username: Mangos0910
Eastern Time Zone
Name Changes:
Mangos0910 --> Spheal
About me: ROCK SMASH LUGIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite shiny: Shiny Hisuian Zoroark
Best thing about pokemon: Controlling the entire pokemon universe because nobody can beat an 11 year old kid.
Worst thing about pokemon: TRADE EVOLUTIONS!!!!! I HATE trade evolutions so MUCH!!! Why should I have to trade my pokemon to make it evolve when it's really hard to trade in the older games!!!! I love Scizor and Gengar but I can't use them because their TRADE EVOLUTIONS!!!!!

Favorite region:
1. Kalos
2. Johto
3. Unova
4. Sinnoh
5. Hoenn
6. Alola
7. Kanto
8. Galar (Sorry if anyone really likes Galar, but I just don't like it)

Favorite starter of each region:
Kanto: Squirtle
Johto: Cyndaquil
Hoenn: Torchic
Sinnoh: Piplup
Unova: Oshawott
Kalos: Froakie
Alola: Rowlet
Galar: Sobble

Ranking Eevee evolutions:
1. Leafeon
2. Glaceon
3. Espeon
4. Umbreon
5. Flareon
6. Sylveon
7. Vaporeon
8. Jolteon

Activity by Spheal

Score: 150 points (ranked #908)
Questions: 5 (5 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 10 (3 chosen as best)
Comments: 10
Voted on: 6 questions, 16 answers
Gave out: 22 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 8 up votes, 2 down votes

Wall for Spheal

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thats a cute spheal in your gravatar
Aug 1, 2024 by Your Excellency
Rock Smash Lugia?
Feb 8, 2024 by Zyla™️
Rock Smash Lugia
Feb 8, 2024 by BM™
Rock Smash Lugia
Mar 18, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Sep 14, 2022 by Gau
Rock Smash Lugia is beautiful
May 19, 2021 by BM™
Yeah, maybe.
Apr 12, 2021 by ~Obstagoon-Marnie~
I am gonna do a Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu Monotype Nuzlocké run, and I can’t decide on a type. Ideas?
Apr 11, 2021 by ~Obstagoon-Marnie~
Mar 30, 2021 by ~Obstagoon-Marnie~
Rock Smash Lugia.
Mar 2, 2021 by themodernage