PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User StealthScyther99

Member for: 13 years (since Dec 31, 2011)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Voting posts down
Flagging posts
Posting on user walls
Favorite Pokémon: Scyhter, Scizor, Zekrom, Reshiram, Emboar, Infernape, and more coming soon.
Friend Codes: 3DS: 1075-1182-0779
Black Version: 2709 6157 5333
About me: I used to be AshKuso99 and StealthScizor99

I am back again! No, I've not left this site.

I'm back!!!!! I know, I was banned. And I promise not to do anything bad again! I'm just glad I can now chat again!

Special Thanks: Dr. Flame, The Pika, JCM, and Rio.

Biggest Thanks: Rio, (You are the one who got me unbanned! Thank you!)

JCM, (You are the one who started the idea about making stories about me and others. Thanks.)

Ab, You get the second biggest, you tried helping me feel better. And other things. Thank you.

Pokemaster, THANK YOU!!!!!! You are the one who unbanned me! How could I repay you!?!?!?!


Rio, wow! Wow is all I can say.

PokemonBlack10The Pika : Pika, you are my best friend! You such a great trainer!! I have a lot more to say!

(Abnormal1!) : Ab, you are really great, and thank you so, so much for introducing me to PO, and teaching me how to battle on it. Plus you are a great PO trainer!

Zekrom-Sammy : Sammy, I love it when you get on the chat! It gets me all excited! We could talk hours on end about things we like and other things. And, I have to admitt, you are one of the best people I have met on this site!

SpikyEaredPichu : Jimmy, just wow. Thanks for letting me the first editor on your website! I think it is AMAZING! I just wish I could see you on chat more often.

Ruoppster : Ruopp, Thank you so much for the help with my dream team! It helps me a whole lot when I battle someone! Thank you so much. I don't know what to say!

Riles : Riles, we have been friends for a long time. You are amazing at battling to. I want to thank you for all that you have done.

MewCreation : MewC, I want to give you so many thank yous. You helped me love and make this website my favorite! And my very first questions you would answer, and, I really want to thank you so much for all of that!

PokemonBlack-10 : PB-10, you are the best trainer on wifi! I'll remember that battle we had where we getting really tense on who would win. And then I made a come back, but, you still beat me. Thank you for that battle!

Activity by StealthScyther99

Score: 572 points (ranked #386)
Questions: 35 (34 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 26 (12 chosen as best)
Comments: 53
Voted on: 24 questions, 49 answers
Gave out: 65 up votes, 8 down votes
Received: 32 up votes, 6 down votes

Wall for StealthScyther99

Please log in or register to post on this wall.
I miss everyone
Jun 16, 2015 by StealthScyther99
Of course. Sorry, been pretty busy. I'm not on much anymore. How is everything?
Jun 29, 2014 by Rio
I'm PB10 :x
Jun 23, 2014 by PsychicX1
so many good people have left the site :(
Jun 20, 2014 by Gʟɪɢᴜʀʀ
WB bro
I was The Pika but I changed my name again
Jun 20, 2014 by Gʟɪɢᴜʀʀ
Jun 18, 2014 by Natsu
Welcome back!
Jun 18, 2014 by Jofly
Another old timer huh? never expected to see you here again. there are lots of new faces around these days, and even more experienced users like me are going to be new to you, so don't be afraid to ask us anything you need :P
Jun 17, 2014 by PX
Lol, everyone is coming back. Welcome Back! And we have walls. Cool huh?
Sep 21, 2013 by LeDragónTamer
This is new!
Sep 21, 2013 by StealthScyther99