PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for the_netts (page 7)

Aug 1, 2013 by the_netts
OMG, I haven't posted here yet? Hai Benben. :)
Aug 1, 2013 by Poke'slash
mine is better *nods head wisely*
Jul 29, 2013 by MrKijani
Jul 29, 2013 by MrKijani
Rio that was poetry
Jul 29, 2013 by the_netts
What if I'm a guy and can't be an old lady with cats?
Jul 26, 2013 by Dr.Flame
What meaningful thing can I say on Ben's wall....
When you aren't friends with Sent_By_Ravens, you become outcasted. When you become outcasted, you get lonely. When you get lonely, you get a lot of cats. When you get a lot of cats, you become the old lady with a lot of cats. When you become the old lady with a lot of cats, you get depressed. When you get depressed, you start hanging out in bars. When you start hanging out in bars, you get mugged. When you get mugged, you can no longer pay for food for your cats. When you can no longer pay for food for your cats, you get arrested for animal abuse. Don't get arrested for animal abuse, be Ben's friend.
How was dat?
Jul 25, 2013 by Rio
Benny Ben Ben
Jul 23, 2013 by Dr.Flame
It's bootiful ;D
Jul 23, 2013 by the_netts
Lando-T: http://i.imgur.com/raUyQrK.png
Now I quit xD
Jul 23, 2013 by Sciz