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For my smeargle help me plz and thanks

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2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

Sandshrew at Relic Castle, Desert Resort
Sandlslash at Route 15, Relic Castle
Staryu at Route 13, Undella Town, Humilau City
Starmie at Route 13, Undella Town, Humilau City
Baltoy at Relic Castle
Drilbur at Chargestone Cave, Mistralton Cave, Relic Passage
Excadrill at Giant Chasm, Wellspring Cave, Twist Mountain, Victory Road, Clay Tunnel, Reversal Mountain, Seaside Cave, Underground Ruins
Cryogonal at Twist Mountain
Pineco at Route 16 (during Swarm) <-- Credit to Ivan Kurama Shaddix


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Also Pineco on Route 16 during a swarm.
0 votes

Without heart scale(will know it when you find it)
-sandshrew: desert resort(only if they are level 19(if they are higher than 19 they will no longer no rapid spin)) and relic castle (1F only if they are level 19)
-drilbur: relic passage (dust clouds(only level 16-18(if they are higher than 18 they will no longer know rapid spin))
With heart scale(wont know it when you find it)
-Sandshrew(level 20): desert resort and relic castle (1F/B1F)
-Sanslash: route 15 and relic castle(relic passage area)
-Staryu: route 13, undella town, and humilai city
-Stamie: route 13, undella town, and humilai city(water ripples)
-pineco: route 16 swarm
-baltoy: relic castle (volcarona room)
-drilbur(higher than 18): relic passage, chargestone cave, and mistralton city
-Excadrill: Giant Chasm, Wellspring Cave, Twist Mountain, Victory Road, Clay Tunnel, Reversal Mountain, Seaside Cave, and Underground Ruins
-Cryogonal: at Twist mountain
These are the only Pokemon in W2 that will know rapid spin in the wild. Certain other Pokemon can learn rapid spin but these are the only ones that will actually have the move known in the wild. But I suggest to just go in a double battle and make sure you have a Pokemon faster than your smeargle with you that knows rapid spin. Have your rapid spinner use rapid spin and have your smeargle sketch the rapid spinner and this will cause your smeargle to sketch rapid spin
Source: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Rapid_Spin (if you want a list of every Pokemon that can learn rapid spin, look at the link)

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I only put the pokemon that will actually know rapid spin in the wild so he can actually sketch so remove the downvote.  Because otherwise he will be wasting his time trying to sketch the other pokemon that wont know it.
Catch. Level up. Double Battle Grass. Sketch.
i kinda already put that